Count Chocula

But it literally happened. She could have shaken his hand, she could have just touched a shoulder, but she embraced him. Trying to read into the quality of the embrace or what expressions on her face indicate whatever feelings she had is, to me, pointless.

I’m not a number 1 fan of either Bush Sr or Jr...but the Bush’s aren’t racist. I don’t think there was an emergency family meeting when Jeb married a Mexican woman. Bush Sr coined the term “voodoo economics” in talking about Reagan’s “trickle down economics”- and is voting for Hillary. After 9/11 W went out of his way

My favorite moment of his was going to the Islamic Center of Washington DC right after 9/11, and told anyone who wanted to discriminate against Muslims in America as retaliation to diplomatically fuck off. Even as a Democrat, mad respect for reaching across the aisle. Here’s the full transcript for anyone who’s never

What a non-story. GWB is a fucking dolt, but it’s been clear for some time that the Bushes and Obamas have genuine respect and affection for each other. Personally I find it encouraging that powerful people on clearly opposite sides of the aisle can still have this sort of relationship. Maybe someday we’ll actually be

Its really hard for people with mental imbalances and below-average emotional intelligence to understand that people are not all evil and not all good. Jordan Sargent, we are all rooting for you in your continued fight against your obviously severe mental handicap.

I’m not sure if this is earnest or not, but I feel like this is pretty dumb. Who knows what was possibly going through her mind? Who knows how she feels about Bush? Basing conjecture on a two second snippet from a public event just seems unnecessary to me. What is even the point of this post?

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

By your logic, since numbers are numbers, this means Asian and Indian Americans are the beneficiaries of racism against whites as they have higher incomes (as well as faster growing incomes).

By your logic, since numbers are numbers, this means Asian and Indian Americans are the beneficiaries of racism against whites as they have higher incomes (as well as faster growing incomes).

Why is this shit being cross-posted to Deadspin? It’s Monday morning - could we maybe get something about, I dunno, football?

Admission: I like it when people appropriate my culture. It feels like acceptance. Is that odd?

But women never lie about domestic violence! We’re supposed to just assume the man did it, condemn him in social media, and ruin his life because the woman said he did it! Fuck due process and waiting for evidence to come out before we pass any personal judgments! He’s an NFL player, and it’s just easier for me to

I think your list also missed Darren Sharper. Darren fucking “serial rapist” Sharper.

“Devin has been in a boot/cast and on crutches recovering for the past 8 weeks ... I have not seen him run let alone walk on two feet since the day before his surgery in June.”

Bodycam would be a little useful here. But nah — police departments should use their money on helicopters and tanks.

When did the South Bend P.D. start to hire officers from Michigan and Ohio?

I don’t think it’s a bit much. For example, I would probably still watch The Daily Show if she’d replaced Jon Stewart instead of that no-talent ass-clown that is currently ruining that show.

You mean...just like she could have chosen to ignore those guys and continue quietly enjoying sports the same way a man would instead of lecturing everyone about how they are terrible feminists?

Everything is a social issue. Everything is a damn crusade. There’s thinking something is wrong, and then there’s endless grandstanding.

So he did everything ‘wrong’, but the police DIDN’T execute him? Hmmmm...maybe if more encounters were leavened with police restraint, like this one, citizens wouldn't fear lethal consequences to what should be a routine interaction. Good on these police.