First of all, that screencap continues to haunt my dreams to this day. But most importantly, thanks for reminding me that CHORD OVERSTREET! is an actual name of an actual human being on Earth. How could I have forgotten about him?
First of all, that screencap continues to haunt my dreams to this day. But most importantly, thanks for reminding me that CHORD OVERSTREET! is an actual name of an actual human being on Earth. How could I have forgotten about him?
Boy, if you think Cold Steel looks outdated you should definitely stay away from Trails in the Sky, though I think both series are charming in their own rights. For all of their faults and pacing issues, the Trails games are just fun to play. There is a ton of information about the world and the plot that it can be…
Between that and tour guide Ahlbi Ur'gaid, they're really going for broke on these names. Plus, they get to work with the added bonus that the game takes place in a foreign country so they can spell them as ridiculously as possible.
My goal is finish all of Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice as quickly as I can this weekend so that I can get back to Trails of Cold Steel 2. I had started playing ToCS2 the day it came out and was more than a little disappointed in the first member to join your party from Class VII, but that won't stop me from being…
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Mischief Makers for the N64 is one of my favorite games of all time. At one point, Marina (the main character) decides to participate in the Athletic Festival in order to win first prize—a bound, kidnapped Dr. Theo. As the player, you get to control Marina in various athletic competitions such as the 100M dash,…
I'm still slowly working my way through Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and it continues to be charming. I also started Dragon Quest IV while on a trip recently and have made it to Chapter 3, where I've averted an invasion and am about to try to buy a shop from an old man. Dragon Quest is a series I've always meant to get…
You're making me fall asleep. To death, bro.
I will probably be making a huge mistake by playing Metal Gear (NES) with a good friend of mine. It's the last Metal Gear-related game that I haven't played other than Metal Gear Acid 2. We'll see how it goes. Other than that, I'll probably put a bit more time into Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, which I'm still mostly…
Any plans on watching the two new Danganronpa anime? I can't remember laughing harder at an anime than the premiere of the Despair arc.
This song gets stuck in my head all the time. I say, hey! Hey! Hey!
Here's "Beautiful Ruin [Summer Salt]" from Danganronpa 2. It starts off with a very tropical, lilting feel but really picks up in intensity towards the end once the piano kicks in. Then the wave crashes and dissipates right before the loop. It works quite well for the idyllic island setting in the game where there's…
The Ad Libs from the Side quests never fail to crack me up. Nothing's funnier than Tsubasa riding in on a wave of Cola and doing Lance damage to the entire field.
I was actually able to manage to complete Zero Time Dilemma last weekend so I'll be moving back to Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and interspersing it with some Boxboxboy. I'm on Chapter 3 in TMS and the transparent, time-wasting fetch quests in the Idolasphere have been really the only thing that's aggravated me about the…
Spoiler Free ZTD Thoughts:
I'm very conflicted on ZTD. As you said, it's a miracle we even got the game in the first place. My main issues with the game were a lack of urgency and a little too much plot for plot's sake. I knew there was no way for it to match the suffocating desperation of 999 but I was a little…
I think that was the scene that least worked for me in the game. That seemed included for one last bit of shock value after all of the gruesome deaths inflicted upon the characters throughout the game.
Any small amount of spare time I have this weekend will have me glued to my 3DS for Zero Time Dilemma. Alas, a bunch of my friends that I haven't seen in a long time are in town for a wedding so I'll be hanging out with them and not playing much ZTD. Damn you, Power of Friendship!
It's a sharp, not a hashtag!