
Would Jon and Jaclyn's move been better if they had kept Wes/Keith/Alec in the loop? I guess they would just eventually end up seriously burning everyone at the end though.

Silas totally got screwed though.

No, but he was expecting his sacrifice to curry favor with J&J and hopefully keep him off of their radar.

I think maybe just Natalie sacrificing herself was fine but Jeremy was overkill. But I also agree, don't expect any repayment on Survivor because you're definitely gonna get stabbed in the back (see also: Brenda, Lex, Brandon Hantz, Erik, Kat to an extent…)

I can see Baylor and Missy as Sugar and Susie respectively.

What about Bob Crowley (Keith somehow being the least objectionable of the final 3)?

I thought Natalie was doing okay until she volunteered to give up her reward. It was too obvious—especially since everyone in this cast picked up on it.

If I were Reed, I would totally try to get in with J&J and Missy/Baylor and ride the wave of hatred to the end. Keith/Wes/Alec all hate him for exposing the idol already, and if he can manage to position himself as the swing vote between both groups, it's pretty much a cakewalk.

Remember in BvW when the RI challenge was literally counting from 1 to 100?

To be perfectly honest, I think I would have voted for Sugar. I mean she tanked her game on purpose at the end and is clearly not the most mentally stable person, but it's pretty impressive how she somehow managed to plow her way to the end despite taking up permanent residence in the Sugar Shack for most of the

I haven't watched SHIELD in forever, but I still appreciate all of the names for Agent Rockjaw McSlabchest.

And yet Colby still took some coral from the Great Barrier Reef…

Nowhere to go but down. Yikes. And I freaking swapped Jon for Dale after the first episode!

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Gary Hawkins. It's an easy mistake since they went to the same high school and everything.

But I feel like Denise was way more visible on Matsing as part of her secret alliance with Malcolm (granted, they kept losing). Even though nothing went on at Hunahpu, we never heard anything from Natalie anyway. I guess they could just have been setting up Jeremy as her shield all along though.

I mean, we do have a burgeoning country music star in this cast…

The funny 115 is also required reading. The legend of CGI Brett must live on!

I cannot recommend these podcasts enough. Definitely worth a listen.

I love Tina and am glad we got her back on BvW, especially with her being DOA on All-Stars. Watching her get all fired up after Aras's vote-out was great since we've never really seen her in that position before. From everything I've seen and heard about her, she absolutely loves the game. She's definitely a worthy

I really love Australia because it is just fantastic TV through and through. Sure, the strategy was pretty basic, and Elizabeth's hair was falling out because she was malnourished, but the season has so many memorable moments.