
Yeah. It's a tough call to decide to be unreachable for 39 days while your loved one is dying. I don't know that I could do it or even attempt it.

Going on Survivor with a fatally ill loved one is definitely not a first. I hope he doesn't end up quitting like a certain other contestant did in the same situation.

Yau-man definitely started a fire with his glasses, though I can'r remember which season.

I was surprised they showed the two of them sharing a quick kiss before the tribes separated. I feel like they never show anything signs of affection between gay couples on The Amazing Race recently.

No, no, but it's a STICK!

I know nothing about baseball but that's actually pretty fantastic.

Jon and Jaclyn really are the perfect couple with the greatest sob stories. I feel really bad for the guy, but it almost feels like they were taking a page out of the SYTYCD or The Voice casting with those two.

It was really funny too that the second Wes mentioned that he was actually a fan John "Wetland(?)" dropped the charade.

I think he strikes me more as the Jason Siska type. Maybe someone will plant a fake idol for him.

I'm so glad Survivor's back! It's good to hang out in the Survivor comments section again with all you great people. I finally finished my Survivor catch-up since the end of last season, lasting me through the Survivor dark years (Samoa through South Pacific) plus HvV. I am not as high on HvV as everyone else seems

I'm so excited that Survivor is back even though the cast looks really boring on paper. Hopefully they prove us wrong. Also, I watched all of You're The Worst last weekend and was pleasantly surprised by it. It was a really quick watch, too.

I really enjoyed the Jess/Schmidt storyline but I thought the B plot was pretty boring. While I appreciated Nick's high musings, I just feel like the whole Coach/Nick/Cece being high thing felt like they picked a lazy sitcom situation and ran with it because they had nothing better for everyone else to do.

I recently watched that episode and had to rewind and watch that scene again because I forgot how hilarious it was. He knocked that out of the park.

So thank god for the recap at the beginning of the episode, because despite how much i enjoy this show, I had absolutely forgotten everything that happened last season. Regardless, I'm so happy this show is back, and it's good to see the chemistry between Ichabod and Abbie is as fantastic as ever.

"Amanda’s look resembles a Legend Of Zelda monster, but in her defense, it looks like a monster from a dungeon late in the game."

Sure, I'm up for it!

I just finished playing Danganronpa 2 a couple of nights ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it did a much better job of world-building than the first game, and it made me quite excited for the weird shooter interquel. The new additions of the Rebuttal and Logic Dive sections were entertaining additions to


Dominic aka D-Trix (Season 3) and Marko (Season 8).

So I just re-watched the Top 10/All-Stars number and even the stuff going on in the background is great. My favorite moment is when the guys are doing hip-hop in the front, everyone in the back is leaning their bodies in the same direction as the hip-hoppers leading to the great freeze frame of Robert catching Ricky.