
Wow, that opening number really was a dud. I was bored pretty immediately, and that should never happen with a hip-hop number. I too was devastated by the loss of Tanisha last week, but I'm very glad we got to keep Zack in the Top 4. The producers really threw him and Jacque under the bus this week with the

We still have that thing in our garage. It was so massive and I was so young when my parents got me the game, I have no idea why they thought I would read it or really understand it. I don't recall playing the game very much, but I do remember that the VILE henchmen music scared the ever-loving shit out of me.

I really want to get into The Quest but I've been very bored by it so far. I thought the last episode was a snoozefest even though Shando Blades is the man. I am hoping things will finally pick up now that they introduced a sense of urgency what with the queen being poisoned and all.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over their yelling.

The Twinnies are so obnoxious. I hope they do what was supposed to be the actual Blood vs. Water twist this time and they get picked off immediately for being so annoying together.


Well shit, I was actually thinking of Taylor Hicks, but Ruben would probably do great as well.

Here's a thought: make it a musical! How about calling it Bombshell? I'm pretty sure I can think of a former American Idol contestant who is the greatest singer in the universe and would be perfect for the role! Also I really hope Stephen Kronish wears lots and lots of ridiculous scarves throughout the process.

Brandon is one of those All-Stars that you have to be at the top of your game to go up against, because he will leave you in his dust if you show any weakness or you don't commit fully to the performance. Even with his fall, he still sold the hell out of the recovery. Bridget just looked like she was floundering

Truthfully it feels completely manufactured by everyone but Jacque because you'll notice they rarely asked her about it. The last thing SYTYCD needed was a showmance. Ugh.

Man, I felt so bad for Bridget during the Bollywood/Disco (Bollywisco?) because Brandon was just killing it right up until that missed aerial. I could not take my eyes off him. I'm a little afraid that Comfort is going to eat Casey for lunch next week, especially after his first lackluster hip-hop performance.

Even though it's pretty much a given that Ricky's going to win (and it's not like Nigel didn't even try to hide that last night), I would be all in for Tanisha or Zack winning. I have loved every single one of Tanisha's dances and Zack has been the most pleasant of surprises. I thought the African Jazz was going to

I completely agree about the thing between Rudy and Jacque. I think that more than anything has contributed to my intense dislike of him this season. He's been doing ok in his dancing, I guess, but I just can't get past all his stupid mugging for the camera when Cat asks him about Jacque. I thought they were also

So I just started watching Samoa for the first time, and, boy, do I already not like anybody. I mean, I get that I'm only two episodes in, but I shudder to think that there are seasons worse than this one according to some people. And, sure, I'm judging prematurely, but…ugh.

I really don't think Kass would have gone with Spencer at that point. She definitely would not have wanted to sit against him in the finals because of his status as an underdog. I think she was banking on the fact that she might beat Tony because he backstabbed everybody and Woo since he did nothing.

How could a child so young be such a great/awful villain?

I think Trish said she applied something like 7 times, so she's definitely a fan.

Jerri definitely did not deserve to be booed off stage.

Congratulations on being the next Lill, Emma!

Excuse me, Kid Nation is possibly on of the best reality shows of all time. I will not be voting for you to get a gold star so DEAL WITH IT.