I'm now distracted because I see your user pic so let me quote that scene:
"And who could forget dear Rat Boy."
I'm now distracted because I see your user pic so let me quote that scene:
"And who could forget dear Rat Boy."
I've only seen the first episode of season 5 but you bring up a lot of criticisms of the show that I have had since season 3. Outside of the Underwoods, there are no compelling characters and when the show breaks from the Underwoods, it slows down immensely. As much as I love Mahershala Ali, Remi Denton wasn't that…
I was mainly thinking about some of the Marvel movies mainly the first two Thor movies and the first Guardians of the Galaxy are the first that come to mind. While I certainly enjoyed both movies, I felt that they lacked any emotional or substantive character moments when they fought the main villain. Wonder Woman did…
Apparently, the "Pittsburgh, not Paris" rally was held in Lafayette Square, a place named after a French general who helped the American Colonists win the Revolutionary War. Do these people not understand irony?
Wonder Woman- I'm just going to admit that I loved it. Gal Gadot was great in the role and she embodied the character wonderfully. Despite my many misgivings with Zack Snyder and his handling of the DC Universe so far, he made a smart decision in casting Gadot. However, Patty Jenkins deserves a ton of credit for the…
Or the final season reveals the show is set in the other theme parks in Westworld.
It really is incredible how right-wingers and corporate guys like the Koch brothers convinced all these people in America to treat climate change as a partisan issue. It truly is embarrassing.
The Chief's perspective certainly fits with the world Varga has created. Truth is what you make it and there is no reason why there cannot be doubt so stand with your own ideas because the world is what it is.
If I remember, it was the same grade they gave to Avengers: Age of Ultron. That's a good sign for the movie if it can be just as entertaining as Avengers 2 was.
I guess Dowd's check from Marvel got lost in the mail.
And today is the day when everybody on Facebook shares condescending memes that show the grave of a soldier with the tag "In case you thought it was about barbecuing." Yes, because no person in America has ever been told what the meaning of Memorial Day is for their entire life and needs a yearly reminder of Facebook…
But it comes with free frogurt!
But then, conservatives will just complain about another apology tour.
Most of the reviews I saw were positive and I saw it and liked it.
It feels more like the scene in The Sopranos when the FBI is staking out the Soprano household and there is a remix of the Peter Gunn theme with Every Breath You Take by the Police. Like that scene, this guy thinks he's a total badass but he's actually a creep.
I still like the movie but a part of me also hates it because when I went to film school years ago, I was chided for not seeing Fight Club as somehow being a requirement for being a film student. At that point in my life, I've seen plenty of classic films like Citizen Kane and The Godfather so I figured I was well…
I'm already excited for Wonder Woman already but I just want to see it even more now so I can stick it to these assholes ala Ghostbusters. Plus, early word is positive.
The issue seemed to be with the Pirates sequel is that they wrote them in a short period of time and didn't bother reworking it. They legitimately had no script at the beginning of pre-production for the two sequels and only wrote one draft. It caused a lot of headaches for Verbinski and the production crew and Disney…
I'm not sure how I feel about Alien: Covenant. I thought it was fine and Michael Fassbender was far and away the best part of it but there wasn't too much else that I found particularly noteworthy or stood out. Oddly, it was my exact reaction to Prometheus. However, I did enjoy this more than Prometheus and, without…