
It definitely feels like that is going to be the case. Whatever possible fear I had of a Republican controlled Congress being united is slowly fading. Granted, I'm not saying that they won't be doing sinister shit in the future but it is becoming readily apparent there is too much infighting amongst Congressional

After the failure of the health care bill, I doubt that any major bill or reform will happen in the forseeable future. The Freedom Caucus has been a thorn in the GOP's side and will continue to be. Donald Trump is actively burning bridges with allies in Congress. The Democrats aren't going to budge. Nothing will get

I'm going to go there: The Sopranos.

The first film had a script. The second and third scripts were literally written while they were shooting. The second film only had one draft and placeholder scenes had to be written for actors and actresses to audition just for the sake of having a scene there. The intention was to rewrite the scenes later. The DVD


I accidently discovered this when I thought a Bob's Burgers episode was on at 7:30 and I realized that I was watching a new episode of Rick and Morty. It's interesting timing because today I was wondering how much longer we were going to have to wait for season 3 and they announced tonight the rest of the season will

A Pirates of the Caribbean movie and a Cars movie coming out in the same summer? What is this, 2006?

The three hour block of Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity might be the single worst television lineup in history. Many times when I go to the gym, one of the TVs has Fox News on and I always see the dumb headlines complaining about illegal immigrants, college students, and how the media is treating Trump

Yeah but her emails!

Clown College? You can't eat that.

Malls though malls have been on the decline.

Does this mean that Los Pollos Hermanos will be a part of Globochem?

The Master grew significantly on me after another viewing. The first time watching The Master left me perplexed but intrigued which motivated a second viewing. Inherent Vice just left me perplexed and I don't really have interest in watching it again.

Paulie and Silvio from The Sopranos. While both were certainly reprehensible, they lit up the screen everytime and I loved it anytime that we got to spend with those characters.
BTW can someone tell me how to do the spoiler bars?

Because, like McConnell, he wants to get rid of everything that Barack Obama fought so hard to implement during his presidency.

I'll never forget the day he lectured us all on the TRUE meaning of social justice which, if I remember, didn't mention anything about civil rights.

No joke but a caller on NPR's On Point called in saying that if Putin interfered with the US election in any way, he wanted to personally thank him because it meant Donald Trump being president.

He's hiding out in a bunker somewhere with Jill Stein.

Bob Corker, who is one of my Senators, finally showed some backbone today and called out Paul Ryan for saying that Trump should not work with the Democrats. Any semblance of party unity from November 8th to January 20th was all fake as the Republicans are tearing each other apart.

After not having enough votes to take away women's health care in the Senate today, the GOP rolled in an absent Republican Senator who is recovering from surgery just so they could have enough votes and for Mike Pence to break the tie. Murkowski and Collins were the lone Republicans to break from their party. It was