
I remember when I saw that story, I remembered Rex Tillerson was SoS. I completely forgot about him.

My dad worked in DC in the 1980s for Senator Jim Sasser of TN so he remembers all those people. He always laments about how Newt Gingrich destroyed the Republican Party when he decided party over country and ran a witch hunt against Bill Clinton for entirely politcal reasons.

I'm a big fan of Two-Lane Blacktop. I feel it holds up better than Easy Rider because Blacktop seemed more interested in what's next after the moment instead of Easy Rider which was more about living in the moment. At least, that's my interpretation.

Toni Erdman: A very good film that was one step short of greatness. I felt it could have been ten minutes shorter but other than that, the length did not bother me. The characters were interesting, the film was funny, and it had a very touching ending.

In all seriousness, we may have to re-build so many things in this country. This is going to have to be like 1933-80 when this country established programs for financial security, infastructure, health care, environmental regulations, strict tax policies, civil rights legislation, and much more. The post-war society


I don't know how anyone with anything that resembles common sense when it comes to national security wants that job. I imagine all the most qualified people see that job as toxic and fear what Trump and Bannon could do when it comes to internation relations.

Not to mention that the small town newspapers that are still in circulation run conservative columnists in all their papers so those are the only opinions they read. This past summer, I had to do research and it required me looking at small town newspapers and I saw the same conservative columnist in every paper I

This country is gradually turning into a "right to work" state that people have barely noticed. Organized labor is being crippled and all these Republicans have become emboldened by Trump so they want to cripple them now. We're going to have to re-build this country in 4-8 years, aren't we?

One that stuck out to me was when all these sites claimed Bernie Sanders won Nevada even though he clearly lost. That was around the time that I grew to hate a good number of his supporters and that they weren't that much different when it came to Trump supporters in terms of believing everything they read and that

No, what they will do is promote Seth Meyers to the Tonight Show, then give Jay Leno a show before the Tonight Show and push it back, and then they will cancel it after several months, and THEN they will give the show back to Leno.

I'll never forget the day the Washington Post rode tanks down my street.

He was live after the conventions and things weren't too bad then.

I will let Terrence Malick make anything. He gets a lifetime free pass just for "Badlands" alone.

'Member when Paul Ryan was referred to as the "intellectual conscious" of the Republican Party? I 'member

That's how I write as a joke. If anyone thought that passage should remain, they don't deserve to be called an editor.

And no one respects women more than he does.


It's a sad reality that a Daily Mail comment is reasonable.

Granted, I am young but I have never in my life seen a press conference from a politician like that ever. It was hilarious, horrifying, mind-boggling, jaw-dropping, and insane all in one. I don't know how anyone who watched that press conference can sit there and say they have confidence in Trump as a leader.