
Yes, feminism is the true enemy. You truly are a troll and therefore, I shall block you. Good day, sir.

What a snowflake he is.

Okay, name the date, time, and place and we'll be there.

I see that you truly believe in equality by calling other people "feminazi overlords." You truly are the stereotypical internet troll.

You caught me. The only reason I believe in equaily and rights for everyone is because of sex.

Ah, you're so precious. You think you are being tough.

If anything, Congress' refusal to work with Obama INCREASED the power of the executive branch.

And of course he quoted Henry Kissinger.

I think in the 70s there were a ton of reasonable conservatives. Gerald Ford, Howard Baker, Bob Dole, and Bush Sr. were all reasonable guys who supported social issues and some liberal tax policies (Dole supported farm subsidies because it helped the people of Kansas) but still believed in fiscal responsibility and

In those people's minds, Democrats and liberals are incredibly incompetent but are powerful enough to bribe others to do their bid. I guess that's why they control the govern… oh, wait…

That Milo guy (I don't know how to spell his last name and I'm not going to try) went to go speak at Cal Berkeley for the College Republicans but got cancelled because of protest. People are, of course, painting this as "college campuses are too PC" and it has really bugged me for many reasons:
1. Why did the College

I'm going to go to the land down under where women glow and men plunder.

I'm still upset that Mel Gibson got in for a directing nomination at the Oscars and not Martin Scorsese.

As a friend of mine once said, "You're electing a president, not a drinking buddy."

My cousin hated Obama and Hillary Clinton but he voted for Clinton because he thought that Trump was crazy. If my anti-authoritarian, libertarian-like cousin could stomach to vote for Clinton, hardcore liberals could.

Thanks! Corrected now.

But her emails!!!!

Just trying to have as normal of a life as possible. I'm just doing things I like whether it is going to the movies, treating myself to some delicious but incredibly unhealthy food, working out, or even staying in and watching Netflix. I need distractions from reality.

No, when Trump does it, he is being eloquent, restrained, and presidential. When Obummer does it, he is clearly stupid, incoherent, and totally out of control that he needs it. Wait…

I've never been a fan of Chuck Schumer before but he is slowly becoming more favorable in my eyes. There is a void in leadership in the Democratic Party right now and Schumer needs to be the guy to step up and lead and he seems to be embracing that.