
I don't get that either. If there was any indication that her being lesbian was a problem, I could understand. No one cared about her sexuality. Titus only cared because Lexa loved her not because Clarke was a woman. He would have been just as mad if it was Bellamy. I try to not have tunnel vision with my opinion and

I didnt know how bad it was until Rahul Kohli tweeted about it. I dont understand it.

Same for me. I just knew it was only a matter of time.

I do not get the anger because Lexa is a lesbian. Especially for a show that has handled this relationship so well.

I need to be held

Miriam was probably Hannibal at his worse. I really liked Dr. Katz. What the fuck was Will thinking not dating her anyway? She did have a gun though and Hannibal didn't. That one is on her.

lmao. I set myself up for that.

I could not have been the only person struggling with archer being a intelligent human being. H. Jon Benjamin was good in the scene, and I really did like the scene as a whole, but I had to pause it at least twice from laughing.