
Yes. Thank you. My mother is a narcissist and I loathe this weekend because I do not want to hear from her in any form. I don’t want any communication. If I don’t reach out there will be hell to pay. If I do, there will be hell.

This sounds stupid and small, but it triggered my depression and I’m kind of bummed and feeling really sensitive about it. My coworker - the other part of my admin team, totally sneered at me when I asked to take a photo at prom last night. We looked really good (and me looking awesome 80 pounds lighter and strong.

Thank god when I get a concussion, I just get nauseated.

Is she for sale on Groupon yet?

After a sleepless night — I fucking took charge. You wanna see me? You got 25 minutes in public at Cracker Barrel. Enjoy your heartburn.

I’m in Boston. Was I at Coachella?

She wrote me a shitty response that said *I* was hurting her by taking care of myself and she didn’t realize how she “upset” me.

I have been trying to limit and eventually remove my toxic mom from my life. She’s been super emotionally abusive for as long as I can remember — and she’s joined forces with my asshole sister. My anxiety and depression soared last month and I just needed some space from everything.

Uh, today is my sister’s birthday, and I sent her a basic bitch “Happy Birthday!” and had no other contact. And I only did that because she did that.

Also how about some sympathy for that guy? He doesn’t go to school to shoot kids. He goes to protect them - and then his worst nightmare, having to choose to shoot, happens. This man, regardless of whether he feels like a hero or not, had to kill someone, and his life will never be the same. I can’t imagine the gamut

I’m grossed out by the idea of sharing that doll. Like an Xbox controller is fucking germy and you’re sticking what in where?

We fired my secretary and accidentally hired a really sweet, competent lady in her place.

I watched Bridesmaids as her character was a protagonist with depression and it made a lot more sense.

I’ll repeat, since you missed it: anyone is capable of abuse.

I realize this sounds HORRIBLE in today’s society, and I also realize that anyone is capable of abuse —

I’d encourage her to use the same three step on her best friend. I mean I know her friend is going to be a little surprised, because it sucks when you get called out for being mean, but I think if your daughter is able to end it in a positive way and explain to her that it was how it was done that hurt, it can be a

I think part of the hard part for me was being able to establish a boundary and not enable her. I think because I said to establish that professional boundary, I was absolutely astonished and apalled when she thought she was going to railroad it.

I like her as a person, but loathe her as an employee.

You can’t control the behavior of others, and some people aren’t as cool as she is. That’s why they act out. And the best way to beat that it’s to name it, claim it, and frame it.

I’m a boss, #4 in the chain of command, and we are terminating my secretary on Monday.