
Well that's disappointing. Not worth watching any more.

While I must applaud his valiant effort to embrace technology, this is a horrible decision for the time being. Digital book viewers are alright for novels, because they're 100% text, and so can be formatted in pretty much any way you like. But textbooks have a very specific layout that just doesn't work if changed -

this takes douchebaggery to a whole new level!

"Hey, I've got an idea: let's start a web site that directly competes with Google, a web site so giant, ubiquitous, and successful that its very name has actually been coined into the English language."

@ataggata: Who the fuck would complain about having dedicated servers? It's almost an oxymoron.

@Dabisu: Seriously. When I just scanned over the headlines, I was laughing my ass off, but when I read all the substance, I couldn't help but think a 12-year-old Chinese kid wrote it, or something.

Hah.. strategy guides. How '90s.

This is awesome. Way better than both of the abominations Hollywood shat out.

ROFL! Most Obama jokes are totally ignorant and ridiulous, but this one is pretty hilarious.

@Erwin: I literally laughed out loud. Well done, sir.

@Whitt: If you'd read the article, you'd see the part where it says that 25% figure comes from the bundle's web site, and every game in the bundle is 100% DRM free. So, there's no finding it, or cracking it; just downloading for free.

I really wish EVE was half as fun as CCP's trailers make it seem. :(

VOTE: KeePass

@le.mangonel: Doesn't work that well in Opera. It seems to work once, but stops working thereafter.

Very few of those are standard/free fonts. :/

It's good to see Ubisoft do something right. It's about time they stopped wasting paper for those manuals. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I bought a game, and had to look at the manual even once, for anything.

*sigh*. I was looking forward to buying Splinter Cell. Thanks for ruining a game I was perfectly willing to pay for.