
@Tre_Green: Suddenly gamers start dropping like flies all over the world, trying to top each others' records. At least Jack Thompson and those German anti-violent game "activists" will sleep easy at night. #grandtheftautoiv

@Eltigro: That's funny, because I also heard that he had fun playing and that it wasn't as exhaustive for him, as one might feel. #grandtheftautoiv

VOTE: FileHippo Update Checker #hivefive

@forpeterssake: Agreed, if anyone deserves one now, it's him. Cool video.

Only Japan would actually list the bust size on the game's web site. I can just imagine some pasty, creepy otaku in a pitch-black room, in which his monitor screen is the only source of light, casually browsing for his next fighting game, and comparing bust size to bust size - and whichever games have the largest is

@ZivenCynortas: Please, will an admin ban this douche bag?

I, for one, was actually hoping for a demo before considering the purchase. I played the CoD4 demo before I buying, and it's the reason I did buy it. I tried the World at War beta/demo, and my impression was it was just CoD2 with CoD4's gameplay, so I didn't bother buying it. If I can't try it for myself to see if

Until Lightning works with it, it is worthless to me. Also, it just seems dumb to bring tabs to desktop email clients. I use Thunderbird 2.0 every day for email, Calendar, and most importantly, news feeds. When I open an article, I want it to pop up in its own dedicated window, rendered as the web page itself, so I

Fucking awesome. I have 240 hours in TM: United, and I still play it regularly. Can't wait for this.

Okay, this was a pop-up, not a spam email, but it's still funny.

@LordThayer: Actually, yeah, a massively-multiplayer Mass Effect would be awesome. I think they are trying to do this with Huxley, but it seems to have gone way, way south since they first announced it. Maybe if it sucks, Dust 514 will be similar? I don't know if they've announced details on how the gameplay will be

@LordThayer: I actually played the PS2 version of it myself for many months before moving to the PC version, albeit with a controller that had a keyboard. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it can hinder the PC's version, due to either slowing down updates, or the interface having to be simplified, etc. It just

@LordThayer: Thayer, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's pretty much just how MMOs work. MMOs are more-or-less graphical representations of old RPG board games, like D&D, but evolved for a video game. If that's not your thing, then that's ok, MMOs are not for everyone. It certainly doesn't feel like "work" to me,

@Vecha: Tired of America's Solution to Health Care.: Oh, shut up. How awkward would it be to try playing WoW on a console? You simply can't play an MMO on a console. Some have tried (FFXI), but ultimately, the game just ends up stagnating because they can't leave their console player base in the dust, or ruining the

Oh, Japan.

Interesting article. This is why OnLive will fail. Also, I'd be interested to find out what the average PC game's latency is. There has to be a difference with monitors vs. TVs, and keyboards/mice vs. controllers. And it'd also be interesting to see how PC versions differ from their console counterparts, especially

No. 6 is pretty cool. I love how the insides of CPUs look.

@Ayeco: WOULD YOU EXPLAIN YOUR REASONING PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MAKE NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@highprioritymale: I'm not sure what you mean. PC games aren't exactly lacking in terms of variety.

I don't understand. If they're making this game for the people who want to play EVE, but don't like its gameplay style, then why are they making this for console only? I am one of the people they're talking about, and I don't even own a console.