I was trying to explain to my English husband about what Friendly’s was- basically a place with rocking grilled cheese sandwiches and ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU COULD EVER WANT in a variety of forms. LOVE Friendly’s.
I was trying to explain to my English husband about what Friendly’s was- basically a place with rocking grilled cheese sandwiches and ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU COULD EVER WANT in a variety of forms. LOVE Friendly’s.
Can I throw in an addendum that says you can’t say you “lived”somewhere for 3 months? I don’t know what the cut off should be, but if you were on a tourist visa you probably didn’t live there. I have heard people say they “lived” in Spain for 3 weeks! 3 weeks! You were on vacation! Just say you went on vacation! Ok,…
Also riptides are visible from shore. They look like breaks in the waves.
Woah. Stop playing mind games with either of your minds and just sit down and talk to him about household chores. He probably just doesn’t care as much as you do about tidying, so let him know that you need him to pitch in and do his fair share.
This is the most disappointed I’ve ever been in a moustache.
Kendall is the most boring beautiful person I have ever seen.
Can someone, pretty please, conduct a study about the women who buy hook line and sinker into these marketing schemes that eventually become a Thing(tm)You(tm)Have(tm)To(tm)Have(tm)For(tm)Your(tm)SpecialDayofSnowflakery(tm)?
Can we also get a figure on all the time saved not having to spend that de rigeur half an hour shooting the breeze with your Man before you can get your score and leave? Because that’s not good productivity.
And then you left your husband? Right?!?
I’m feeling pretty (cautiously) optimistic right now. Physical therapy has been going great, and I JUMPED for the first time in a little over 4 months! Seems like a small thing but in recovery from a shattered lower leg, it’s a big deal - the idea of jumping is very scary because even though logically you know your…
OH! I did this earlier this week. BUZZ CUT!!!!:
This is the real story and I want more coverage of it!
A perfectly reasonable response.
yoplait is the devil’s semen
I will concede that Yoplait is basically runny pudding. And Chobani is not fit for human consumption with its gross yogurt-water layer that floats on top of every cup.
Related: If you happen to have a brother named Stephen, as I do, he will not like being called “Stephenie” at 26 any more than he liked being called “Stephanie” when you were 7.
No “swapping,” but I ended up being friends with the ex-husband of the girl my ex-husband cheated on me with. Our first convo was a little awkward, though. “Uh, so you know my husband is nailing your wife, right?” Hehe.
I wouldn’t! I’d shame that girl as much as I could!