Sailor Neptune

I got engaged two weeks ago. Yay!

Pee doesn't come from your vagina, it comes from your urethra.

Actually it isn't. I used to take acidophilus capsules when I took antibiotics so I wouldn't get a yeast infection, or I would take them once I got the yeast infection. It took a while, but it worked. Turns out, applying yogurt directly works much faster. Yogurt has acidophilus in it. I've never used yogurt

Dang, Kendrick.

My Imaginary Best Friend Anna Kendrick can do no wrong.

I don't have crazy fundamentalist justify my sociopathic child's behavior on my Google translate, sorry.

Wow, this is getting...

Jaime is the dude in the middle and I am literally everyone else after reading that.

damn jaime went IN

My son is not a piece of shit cus I pray, I'm not a shitty parent bc I pray, or I suck at parenting but hey it's the devil's fault.

I am in no way even slightly at fault for this rapists actions.

I just want to say, from what I understand, the other guy in that recording is the one that recorded and shared this confession because he knew just how fucked that whole thing was. So while we're all losing faith in humanity, remember this young man! There's still hope.

You say that you've been tested for STDs and would she be cool doing the same. Not an asshole move in any way, just shows you're smart and safe. If you can have sex with this person, then you should be able to talk about the consequences of sex with her.

Yesterday I had the stomach flu. Today? Oh, today was a whole new kettle of worms. You see, the Big Foot and her friend, Not so Big Foot were supposed to be upstairs. Instead they wandered off so instead of getting the lights and decorations up I had to go and wrangle these little buttholes back home. Now, I spot them

Oh I see. So he's not YOUR kind of Serbian. Thanks for the racially motivated clarification.

When the cow put her face on that little girl's lap my icy cold heart totally melted. Also I love that the mom was calm enough to realize how sweet that moment was and didn't just freak out that there's a cow in her house, which is probably how I would react.

Believe victims, guys. Even if we don't like who they are as people, or they're "tryhards" or their art is dumb. Believe them.

I'd have had my earphones in and the volume loud enough not to notice anything was happening because NO to all enforced entertainment.

I think we never get okay with the losses and traumas, we just integrate them and they take up less space as we heal. I'm glad he has someone to remember him and cherish him. That's something.