
Not watching cable news is also an option.

That would be a mixed bag.

This is why voting matters - don’t just care about the president, care about the folks who follow in case food poisoning at a state dinner wipes a bunch of them out.

Oh, man, it’s a shit show all the way down. After Pence it’s Paul Ryan, then whoever the Secretary of State is this week (Pompeo?), then on down through the Cabinet. It’s an absolute disaster, you could spend the next two years impeaching people and you wouldn’t have made it through the wanton cruelty and incompetence

Can we just impeach and remove the motherfucker already??? We need to be rid of the crooked racist orange  santorum-covered enemy of the people once and for all.

“his aides can only hope he is not discussing classified information on his unsecured phone.”

What is the bare minimum we can do to try and provide healthier food? Take out one slice of cheese.

This is such strange thought that I keep having also: if my Mom were still alive she would be APOPLECTIC. This is the amazing woman who broke out in hives from one very bad news day with George W Bush. 

I think the point was that Brett Kavanaugh wouldn’t have made it as an Irish laborer on the I&M Canal or a stevedore at Bridgeport. Maybe Kavanaugh would have been OK as a second generation 11th ward precinct captain (akaward chinaman”). Even better, he would have been excellent as a third generation machine appointe

On the plus side, if that stuff manages to stick around long after anyone who knew you personally is dead, it will provide a window into life during that time period for future historians!

Don’t you mean 8,400 PLUS the 20,000 trying to get in to the auditorium? Those 20k people who definitely exist and who are always turned away at his rallies because they don’t have enough room?

I remember when South Park was funny. And it wasn’t a few hours ago

Stormy gets no kick from champignon.

Looking forward to Season 2, but I don’t know how they’re gonna do this season without Jimmy Tatro. Man, they struck gold when they found him. He gave the best performance of a dumb person since William Hurt in “Broadcast News.” Hopefully, he’ll make some kind of cameo.

my favorite part is when the 3rd dude picks up the discarded ciggie for a drag

When this dark era has finally passed, the whole country (let alone his administration) will be so ashamed of the period that they will refer to it as the Anonymous presidency. We’ll be stuck with Gorsuch and Kavanaugh for the next generation and a half, but historic decisions carry historic consequences...

I think it would be hard to find him. He wouldn’t have a job or any friends. He certainly wouldn’t have a girlfriend. And its almost guaranteed he lives with his mother or some elderly female relative, whose social security cheques he steals ...

I think it would be hard to find him. He wouldn’t have a job or any friends. He certainly wouldn’t have a girlfriend. And its almost guaranteed he lives with his mother or some elderly female relative, whose social security cheques he steals ...

That’s what I don’t get about these idiots. Your last name is Ramos. There’s that one Trump supporting idiot kid whose last name is Huerta. It doesn’t matter if you tow the white supremacy line, your last name alone is why once they’re done with the rest of us they’ll turn on you too. And still these fools think