Who the fuck are these people, and why is the Internet insisting I know who they are?
Who the fuck are these people, and why is the Internet insisting I know who they are?
And Witch Hazel, who was fucking hilarious.
To me (and please, feel free to stone me for this comment), the closest we’ve got today to the classic cartoons I watched as a kid is Teen Titans Go! — the people in charge seem to have been inspired by the old Warner Brothers cartoons, at least, but Teen Titans is still missing the kind of true, breathtaking, …
I wonder if they’ll make the actual print edition in the morning. I remember how appalled all the pearl-clutchers were when the Times reprinted the entire Starr Report without redacting the naughty bits.
Every administration has done that, particularly W’s.
Good for you. I hope you get your much-deserved dirt nap very, very soon.
She shouldn’t have apologized. He actually is “so unattractive it’s unbelievable.”
She was completely fantastic in the first series of Broadchurch. The second series’ writing left her a bit in the lurch, and the third series pushed her off to side, mostly, but I can’t wait to see her as the Doctor. Mainly because she’s both a terrific actress and a compelling presence when she gets a good script.
My mom was an elementary school teacher, and completely refused to help me on anything academic once I learned how to help myself (God bless her). I learned how to type on a frigging Olivetti manual, and I did that by myself, because I knew it’d be helpful. I definitely can’t match your words per minute, but I did…
He can’t drop dead fast enough for me.
I HAVE NO IDEA. She just did it for them. God love her, but she wasn’t that bright about personal boundaries. (To be fair, the whole idea of “personal boundaries” with regards to children took hold long after she’d typed her sons towards their bachelor degrees.)
God, Hamilton, just fuck off. You’re not helping.
Christ, you just described all four of my male cousins, whose mother (who actually had a frigging out-of-the-house job all the time) not only did all of their laundry looooong past the point where they should’ve been doing it their own frigging selves, but also TYPED ALL OF THEIR COLLEGE PAPERS FOR THEM.
And I am so, so very grateful you did. Beautiful.
I would actually watch the shit out of that version of Doctor Who. (Full disclosure: I’m in the middle of a complete rewatch of Absolutely Fabulous, and both Joanna Lumley and [Dame — Dame!] June Whitfield are far more tremendous in their roles than I remembered them being.)
You and me both (and my sister, who’s also moving back with me). Stay strong.
I still can’t believe she was nominated. YAY, BARB!
My sympathies (or empathies? I always get them mixed up). I’m about to move back to Pennsylvania to take care of my own aged parents, and they, unfortunately, live right in the middle of Pennsyltucky. I’m probably gonna end up trapped down there, too.
My nephew and his family live near Tulsa, so no, I can’t entirely agree with you. I still hope Scott Pruitt just fucking drops dead, though.
Oh, God. You win.