
Oh no, I did read it. Before he posted it actually. His criticisms of Obama and Clinton are token at best, and he seems to have a bizarre view of what the actual Dems stand for.

You were denying the reality that Bernie was the most popular politician and had a message he was pushing just few seconds ago. You’ve clearly embraced fantasy yourself

Ah yes, because pragmatism has availed America so well! All the reasonable centrist policy wonks really don’t look like punks right now, that’s for sure.

All that was proven was that a Hillary fan was abusing the word sexism to shut down criticism, which was real surprise. And yet you’re still denying the obvious, which is that Bernie Sanders is the most popular American politician according to several polls.

Please, show me the bingo squares. I’m sure you have a comprehensive list of what I believe, kneejerk commenter.

Most popular politician in Americ:

Uh no, he definitely is the most popular politician in America. And he’s been having townhall meetings across America about Medicare.

And does he really believe there’s such a huge difference between the policies of Trump so far and Obama? That their administrations have polar opposite positions? Obama was the Deporter in chief. Under Obama America was engaged in foreign wars in over 5 countries simultaneously. Obama didn’t go after the banks or

Ta-Nehisi Coates has always been burdened with incredibly liberal weak politics in economic terms, so I’m not surprised by his ridiculously ungenerous and frankly stupid article here. Also worth noting: He voted for Bernie in the primary over Clinton after criticizing him more ruthlessly than he ever did Clinton.. The

...because she identifies as a woman, clearly?? Emperor or King is incorrect! The dishonesty is really off the charts.

“Economic policy is just one aspect of the Democratic platform. I want a candidate who speaks to much more than that, and Sanders isn’t it.”

Some things would have to be worked out later of course. But that’s the thing when you’re trying to change a society as opposed to largely maintaining the status quo as Clinton does. That requires no imagination or faith whatsoever. Most rich people can’t just take their money overseas, of course the megarich are

Not personally, though I imagine a black person would find the comparison insulting. As a comparison it doesn’t work on any level, because something merely being used as a pejorative doesn’t make it offensive. You’re continuing rhetorical and intellectual laziness, THAT is an insult. Using any gendered terms

I don’t believe I said anyone who merely likes her. But her fans, absolutely. Though I do think coming to a reasonable decision to support a warhawk and neoliberal beholden to major business and finance interests is more than a little questionable. She’s better than Trump, sure, but pretty much everyone is.

Well that’s pretty much the only group that would lose if he followed through on his policy, so you’ll have to better articulate what you mean in that case. Who would lose under his brand of supporting social democracy? Minorities? Hardly, they’re disproportianally poor and would benefit the most from greater social

Nope, I’d been reading dumb takes about Hillary being the Queen Bee Slay all election, and did a quick google for examples of what I meant.

As I said, Sanders at this point in time is more popular, holds actual office, and has an actual message he’s trying to put forward. Hillary seems to just be trying to remind people that she exists, continually. When there is no reason to other than to make some bucks.

I’ve said nothing about Sanders being my lord and savior, merely that he’s better and much more popular now. You don’t seem to be able to conceive of politics outside of some sort of fandom paradigm where you worship “your guy/gal”.

You mean the wealthy? True.