
I have a feeling by the time they get this game lined out and in the shape it should have been at launch it’ll be long dead. Halo sucked all the buzz out of this game. By the time the new Warzone maps launches next month nobody will remember Battlefield at all.

I call BS on the bans for toxicity and racism. There’s no way to even report that behavior in Warzone, only for offensive handles and clan tags.

I guess they don’t have contempt of court in France?  A night in jail would probably change their attitude in a hurry.

Why do all the Cold War guns take a half hour to reload? Haven’t found anything yet that makes me want to replace my Kilo main, though I may switch for the Mac over my MP5.

I did it with dodging.  I was worried about mistiming the parry.

I’m not entirely opposed to removing loadouts, but so much of the ground loot is total butt.  I basically only pick up the uzi or the Kilo and skip most of the “better” purple and orange tier loot.

Zombie mode is a blast.  Regular BR is getting so campy and this goes so fast that you can’t really play that way.

I’ve been conflicted about this season. They obviously went out of their way to highlight Black performers, which they all were deserving and was great for them in the way of exposure.  However, it also felt like a way for NBC, AGT, and Simon Cowell to pat themselves on the back in the wake of Gabrielle Union’s

These contracts always have NDAs.  If you’re Warner Bros. you don’t want it getting out what you paid one creator because it puts you in a disadvantageous position when you negotiate with the next.

She’s almost certainly getting a cut.  Warner Bros. bought the licensing rights from her directly.  If they’re making a game, she’s getting paid.

They tried them separately in the Freddie Gray case and they all got to point the fingers at each other and nobody was convicted of anything. Hopefully that doesn’t happen here because there’s video of Floyd’s murder, but I’m not surprised the prosecutors don’t want to let this happen. I think Chauvin is screwed no

Our family room was a dark brown color which in addition to being ugly made the room all the time.  We painted it off-white and now its brighter and feels bigger

How generous of them to let him back in . . . the year they probably won’t have a season.

I doubt it.  If Ginsberg agreed with the result but not Gorsuch’s reasoning she could always have written a concurring opinion.  Roberts can’t silence her.

I’m sure he posted a bond right?  I think you pay about 10% of the bail amount.

I used this website which tracks the stock status of the major retailers. It lets you join a google group and has instructions how to send the alerts to your phone. It seems like a lot of people are getting them this way. I lucked out and my Target got a few in stock so I didn’t get mine this way, but otherwise I’d