
Do you ever have anything positive to say?

From last week's episode it looked like Adam was in the Pinto in the promo vid

I've actually seen the commercial in 2nd gear: It was on last night during American Idol (don't judge me). The best part, Ford is still the #1 sponsor of the show.

Thanks Jason. I've been around vintage American iron for most of my life and you've stumped me. I think I would have scored 10%...

I put on my robe & wizard hat


Aren't the Russians still regularly launching manned space flights?

The cars were cool. Love the lack of music. Overall though, I found it rather boring. I guess due to the limited camera angles

I quickly washed it out from Connecticut. iPhone made it clear as day

Not with these broken wings

That's not CT.

They slide for a reason. Take a look at how a pro does it.

On the plus side, it makes you that much closer to a spin off show with you and Clarkson about hating bikes

In short, I believe he's defying Ray by saying "Two wheels good"

The one QOTD I would have loved to partake in. Damn my internets for being down at work. Anyway, I'm sure it's been thrown around like a cheap date but Any chrome bumpered Vette. (that's pre 73 for you Philistines)

I'm confused.. I thought the "Car of Tomorrow" was supposed to be the same damn car all the way around with just different stickers (and engines). Why the sudden change in this rule? It looks like the roofline stays the same as the fusion (and windows), but did the circle track boys get too much flak from the

I always did wonder what the inside of an F1 car looked like, Thanks boner-cam!!

I'm pretty sure that's a Nissan bro