
I love the way that this dissection of the scene is mirrored in its loving exactitude of obscure details by the very scene itself. Nicely done!

I remember watching this in middle school during science class. Even then, I recognized it as a mind-bogglingly earnest and terrible all at once.

Per AV Club reviews, Hurley (a "low point") got a B-. The White Album ("continuing their hot streak") gets a B.

Do please elaborate.

Two words: Fargo Babies.

Yes, this. Aside from flashbacks, the main action of the film and two TV seasons has been set in the 70s, 80s and 00s. Let's get the 90s in there. Oh, the fashions!

Excellent ideas, both. OR! Crosscut every other episode between past and present. I mean, if anyone could pull it off, it's Hawley & Co.

I remember him from a Season 2 episode of Drunk History, and what I remember from it is that things seemed palpably awkward between he and Derek Waters from the get-go.

Here's the funny thing: when I first heard WYEDG way back (mumble mumble) years ago, and ever since for that matter, I've always got a twisted Wizard of Oz vibe from it, from the Scarecrow shout-out to the 1930s-esque warbling over the outro. I'm just glad it's in the mashup at all :)

I played Hal in this in a high school production. Tricky to balance the humor with the (melo)drama. And stagelights be damned, it was cold on stage with my shirt off for most of the first act.

So an awards show is going to honor an industry legend and they released a statement about it? That's got "filler article" written all over it! Well done.

"Misfits of Science." No contest. Teen Courteney Cox, the dad from ALF, and the guy in the Predator suit? WIth an ice cream truck as the heroes' vehicle? Fuggedaboutit.