
Just wipe better. Then no more ants in your pants.

Oh no, Reggie.  What have you done?!

The only sell out here is Reggie Watts.
Everyone else involved are just “try-hards” and failures. XD

Counterpoint: These are big “meh”s.
Your shilling is showing.

“I’m so used to this overused game mechanic that I want it in all games.”

Just as an example, if we stuck to this logic when making games, Silent Hill and other horror games would have never been what they were. All horror games would star action heroes and there would be no fear.  Just running, double jumping, and

Trump is too powerful.
He will be impeached but not be convicted or whatever it is called when he survives the process.

And not only will he win a second term in 2020, but he will win an unprecedented 3rd term in 2024.

If you see the world completely through the lens of politics, then yes, everything, even a statement saying you don’t want to engage in politics, is a political statement.

As a game developer, Valve is crazy overrated.
(although I still think original Portal was game & level design genius)

As a platform, Valve/Steam is hot garbage.
(although, they did a great job of pioneering for the industry)

VR (as it currently works) has a growing pool of evidence suggesting it is terrible for your eyes. Especially in young people who are still developing.

Personally, the eye strain alone is enough to make me never want a VR headset.

I think you are assuming alot based off of this announcement.
It has the half-life stamp, but that doesn’t mean it will be landmark or huge.

Valve has made VR content in the past.  Basically glorified tech demos.

I think you are confusing two different groups.
People who complain about VR not having good games (a small loud group)
People who don’t want VR ever (everybody else)

Sometimes your movie just sucks.

Using gender differences as a scapegoat is weak and is exactly what a sexist person would do. In other words, she’s being a shitty person right now.

She’s comparing apples to oranges.
So yes, she has a point, but not a good one.

The truth is, she doesn’t have a great understanding of why her franchise isn’t taking off and so she blames gender differences (as any sexist person would). She hasn’t asked herself if Charlies Angels was something people were even

That’s fair :)

The company is pulling in more money now than Blizzard was at its peak with WOW.

I don’t think it is Fortnite that brought this art-styles popularity upon us. You give em too much credit.

I want to know the answer to this, too. I need more sites like IO9 that aren’t IO9 and are more reminiscent of old IO9. I’m looking for something that is not obsessed with with Disney cheer-leading and shoehorning identity politics into EVERYTHING. There are real issues in the world that need to be looked at, but when

Every “boomer” should own this shirt.
Nothing will end this meme faster.

To which The A.V. Club humbly submits: “We know it isn’t great, but what right do you have to complain?”

Having pride in your work isn’t going to hurt.
In fact, it will probably only help you. So the typos still look bad regardless of the context that is being projected here.

Besides, if you are so worried about being laid off that you can no longer deliver work you can take pride in, you should be looking for a fallback