
Most of the framing, cinematography, storyboarding, set direction, etc was not a Rian Johnson call. His role as the director of this film was as filter that all of the creative ideas from the team had to be filtered through. Basically thumbs up and thumbs down with some additional guidance/direction on the day of

Thank goodness nothing is leaving. The “soon-leaving” list often turns into a “much-watch-quickly” list on some months. Very stressful ;)

I fon’t think Fortnite will make it past another year even with all the “events”.
It’s a cool game.  I just... idk... that’s just my prediction.

Wait... PuBG is still a thing?  Bleh.

I’m sorry, but what does he do when there isn’t an empty spot conveniently behind where the car is currently parked.

I thought the whole reason people were “afraid” of (for a lack of better words) folks like this was BECAUSE they had friends. You know what I mean?  An isolated case can be ignored... but... when it is a large group?

My desk is covered in piranha plants (and adventure time). This is the most joyful and unexpected news I have read about video games in a long time. THANK YOU NINTENDO!!!  I can die happy now.

You think liberals and centrists are scary?
I think you need to write an OpEd to elaborate.

It’s not time wasted. You are winning at life.
The ancestors are proud.

Everyone should get off of twiter.”

Every 1st world problem: Immediately solved.

You use your own daughter as a weapon/pawn against their own family over political disagreements. You probably shouldn’t use this story to brag.

I hope when she is older that you guys don’t ever disagree over politics or something.

Its not a false equivalence. Its something we do/don’t do to alter the appearance we put forth. Which is exactly what makeup is. That one might artificially be placed on our face, shaving/trimming/sculpting is artificially removing something. Its equivalent in purpose.

No.  It is 2 BILLION percent on the individual(s) who sent in the bomb or made the bomb threat.

I love how the actions of crazy or violent individuals IMMEDIATELY is equated to a whole political party, thus, completely passing the blame to whole groups of people and individuals who would never in their life do such a thing. Left or right. This shit has to stop. It’s so disingenuous in how politics have been

Great comment and great reply.

But... it’s never a good idea to dehumanize no matter how much you disagree with someone. It doesn’t produce positive results. Even when you are talking about Nazis, for example. If we didn’t see the Germans as humans, we would have never come to understand how the normal/average Germans

This is especially true of the programmers in the game industry. Their skill set makes them much more easily flexible when it comes to job options. In addition, programmers (at least in the midwest) usually get a huge bump in pay the moment they leave the industry all while getting a better home life to work life

Anytime somebody says something about the content of an art form with a “should” or “shouldn’t”, I can’t help but cringe.

You seem to think arts primary or only possible purpose is to serve as a “social critique”. That is ONE of the things artists have used art for, but that is not what art is or is not for.

Hell, when

I’m talking about my experience in the comments section.
So only half out of my ass :)

I’d like to jump in and thank you for your way of approaching things in comments sections, too. BUT... there is a definitely a BUT