
Neutral: What Should Chevy Do Instead?

I thought at first glance this was just another Range Rover review.

Okay, look here; if you’re into the same kind of thing as my ten year old daughter (yes, Pokemon, or however the hell you spell it), that’s your business. Just know that I’m judging you for it.

I’ve got to be the only car guy that despises the F&F franchise.

They took it out on the track, did this:

Fast & Furious ...... Sorry, I just don’t get it.

But he instead of removing himself from the situation and avoiding it kept up and started riding in tandem while berating her. What started as an oblivious driver merging improperly turned into an asshole rider almost turning it into a road rage incident.

“More than 40 percent of nonluxury cars that are traded in will have negative equity this year”

Fun fact:if you held in the heat and cold buttons on startup (I think that was the combo), every light on that 80's-tastic digital dash would light up,reset,and it would go into self-test mode. The smaller screens would cycle through any error codes found,giving diagnostic info on the BCM/ECM/other modules. For it’s

Cow Pun Here

Yeah, but add GM quality and Italian quality together and you get almost one complete quality. It makes sense if you don’t think about it.

I don’t know if “Ultimate” is the word I would use for the Northstar. Head gasket leaks because of headbolts backing themselves out or corroding; cracked aluminum blocks. If you encounter either of these fairly common problems and plan on fixing the engine to keep the car original, you’re in German territory

For those older than 30...

And a couple random shots of the “world’s longest production line” in action...

  1. Buy online for $8900.

An interesting note stems from the name “Allante.” It doesn’t actually mean anything in any language.

Big deal. I saw a ‘79 Chevy Impala do that in L.A.