
I was thinking Speedycop’s Honda Accordion.

Is there a huge dent in the front right of the hood?

But you CAN afford a Fiero, and some Testarossa parts... :-)

Sometimes I peruse eBay for Testarossa parts. Knowing I will never afford the whole car, sometimes a small trinket or a piece I can hang on my wall will do....

When my son was around 8, he asked what some switch on the dash of my wife’s RAV4 did. (I think it was the dash lights or something.) I told him it armed the ejector seats. His eyes opened wide. “Really??”

Now playing

It was a chuckle-goof by Chrysler. Turbo Encabulator has been a inside joke of engineering circles since at least the 80s.

Back in the early 90's when my dad first moved to NYC from Russia, he bought a 1990 Toyota Camry and wired in a fuel pump switch that was hidden under the back seat but reachable from the front seats. He lived in a really bad area so by flicking that switch the car would not start at all. That along with one of those

Self Destruct.

Can you imagine being the punch line to your own death?

Exactly. The choice is between one car built by one manufacturer with a long history of making a pretty damn good roadster, and another car made half by one company, half by another, and with a record of poor quality and reliability. Oh, and they haven’t built a roadster in years.

Corvair was ready. Corvair was so ready...

Color combination override is still a $590 option on the Corvette build sheet.

It’s not so much the Harley-Davidsons I hate as much as I hate the fans.

At least one is just like Harley Davidson:

I’d agree with you if this were about improving human rights. It doesn’t appear that way. Exhibit A: Obama isn’t visiting the prisons where dissidents are kept.

In all fairness though, I think cal may be on to something.