Just Rob

I completely agree with you with on the Flex driver bit. I can’t speak for every would be driver and would like to know what other opportunities they have access to. Unless they did an uber ride here and there, I’m not sure how some of these people could survive.

This article represents the journalism to which I stick around to read Gizmodo.

If anyone is still confused over the word “Queer”

I really hope they follow through with the episodes. I loved how season 6 and 7 first few episodes were great and then I felt the reason of the season up to the mid-season finale fell a little flat for me. I hope this season, the war gets concluded.

This. A star for you.

I believe Daario leads the 2nd Sons.

To some degree yes, it varies on the circumstance. I’m no lawyer though. These sites here and here explain more.

Using WinXP on a P4 is punishment enough.

There needs to be an outlet where workers from one closing sector can migrate to another. What do you do with a 60 y.o. truck driver who has a family to feed? While that is an extreme scenario, it’s one that we need to look at and make modifications accordingly. Not every person will get a job but hopefully we can

She kinda looks like Rosorio Dawson.

Cecilia, great article. It’s articles like this that make me clamor for more quality reporting on this site. Thank you.

Love this armor. This screams, “You got pwnd.”

Why doesn’t this have more stars? +1

Your statement sounds very logical. I need to spread this. Mind if I cite your comment from this post?

Please excuse me as I go wash my eyes out with bleach!

A League of Their Own.

It helps if there small destructive children running around.

Hate to break it to you buddy.