
My thoughts exactly when I read that he hasn't taken any measures to prevent being sued for child support - that is some stupid sperm! And that was before it came out that he's married and publicly putting this story out there while his wife is an unwilling participant. So creepy.

Personally, I wouldn’t want “seed” (Side note: ugggggggh) that fucking STUPID.

I tend to think she was in the dark. Half of his paycheck is being garnished to support 5 children he created with other women while married. I don’t know any wife who would agree to that, especially since they have two children of their own and presumably could use that money for savings/college/etc.

Yeah, really. If you are married and your wife thinks you are exclusive, you aren’t fucking “dating”. That’s called cheating. Look it up, Professor Nagel.

You know what really blew my mind in all of this was him saying his wife is “yelling” alot about it after finding out the truth. This husband has half his wages garnished in child support for 5 children he willingly fathered with other women, thus depleting assets from his actual family, continues to breed with other

ALSO (i keep thinking about this hideous story and also how they keep referring to him as “big daddy” and also “seed”), he is not even smart enough to write up some sort of agreement that absolves him of any financial support. He’s “surprised” that more people haven’t sued him. I mean.

Oh, it gets better. I just read this: “About half the time, he provides his seed the old-fashioned way. Sometimes, a lesbian looking to conceive will have her partner in the bed for moral support while she and Nagel engage in intercourse”. Followed by “The first five women he worked with successfully sued him for

Seriously. How much do you have to loathe your wife to brag to the papers about this, all while keeping her in the dark. The level of contempt and disrespect is mind blowing.

Holy shit, yes! If you click through to the original New York Post articles, it names a bunch of the women *and* has pictures of them and their children! What were these women thinking? These poor kids!

That is what I was thinking.

Ok, when i read this story i was all “JFC I can’t believe everyone is identifying themselves and using their names”

I’m... uncomfortable that you know this. And still gratified that you dropped the sweet fact-check like BOOM.

When the first Kanye/Taylor incident (I’mma let you finish..) happened, I read that Kanye and Taylor share the same PR person..

Not on the Dirt Bag though, that would be horrible form

Assuming you are new/not familiar, this is a twice-daily feature filed to “Dirt Bag” (AM and PM editions). If you only want to read about stuff that really matters, that’s cool, but this ain’t the place.

As soon as she gets out of the bathroom

my mom would lose me in literally every store we went to in the she would have a million petitions calling on CPS to take me away.

The same ones who never, ever take their eyes off their children would also never, ever use one of those kid leash things and would give others hell for using them.

I was a wanderer... this was my set up as a child after I got away in the mall once... minus the helmet. I was the kid in Disneyland with a full on harness.

I hate keyboard warriors. Want to go back in time and parent in the pre-Internet age. Must have been glorious.