
I wouldn't say I 'skip' updates, but I will certainly delay them until I'm at home and have time to sit around and watch the dl bar. I understand people wouldn't want to run around to all their apps, though.

If I need a new monitor, I know whose house to break into. He certainly has enough. Thanks, LH!

@flpwch: This is a desktop configured, made and used by a single person, not for Joe sixpack to jump on and know expactly what is going on. I personally like the configuration, and besides migrating the bar to the top of the screen I can see very little I would need to to to tweak it to my fancy.

@Mike Zuniga Knows the Secret: It isn't copying OSX. It certainly takes some queues from it, but it could do a whole lot more if its goal was really ,copying. Ubuntu's doing a lot that no other big OS has, such as the social networking features. It'll be interesting to see how it evolves.

@luckycharms: I've had my bag lost once. It was a pain. I'm considering this solution.

Maybe I'm the minority, but I find that regular calendar apps like korganizer work just fine for me. Anything with an alert system and tasks is all I see necessary.

@Kevin Purdy: It sort of makes sense. The add-on is just exploiting the aero code that's already there. I don't think Mac has this.

And as a cool bonus feature, it can upload all of this information to the nearest CIA car so it can follow you for a few blocks!

@Prairie Moon: thank you, at last some solution to the ranks of idiots who think that an icon is some sort of religious symbol.

@Phoshi: Nano feels polished and fast, kate has highlighting and works well with KDE, emacs feels bloated and slow but at you don't need to know a magic key combo to begin typing, and vim... vim is special. It operates like the designers were drunk when they chose the key-bindings. Its singular advantage is its size,

@jupiterthunder: My idea of tech support is to install ubuntu on the box of whoever moans at me. Things tend to be better that way. They stop complaining about viruses and have a nice software store to choose from instead of googling around.

@Walker_Boh: Unless you already own the AMD, scrap that idea and get an Intel. Especially if you're making a gaming rig, Intel has a lot better performance. My current setup is a core i7 2.6G (quad core with hyperthreading). It is perfect awesomness.

@billy61: I think that the behavior that you're looking for could be achieved with TS Remoteapp. Just glancing at the technet page, it looked promising.

@Buster Friendly: There's really no point to a case, as long as you don't touch the parts and don't have any really heavy cards (possibly GC) that need supporting.

@dchall8: I dunno, I actually think KDE is a better gui than the OSX desktop. Also, you might say unix instead of linux, just for the sake of correctness.

@TheFu: This is a wild guess, but it is possible that cygwin would have an ntp client that works just like it's counterpart in standard unix. It's worth a shot.

@wjglenn: You make some good points, but I disagree in that I think that Linux hasn't been given a chance by the mainstream (by this I mean those *not* reading this site. ah well.) and that there is a far larger population of Windows fanboys than Mac or Linux fanboys, simply because there are more Windows users. If