That was brilliant! Definitely bookmarking that one.
That was brilliant! Definitely bookmarking that one.
Shit, I miss the good old days when I jerked off to a Hustler I kept hidden in the bottom of my sock drawer. Only person I had to worry about finding out was my mom.
Hatches, ranked:
This is perfect. Thank you!
which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.
But all of trump’s fingers are pinky fingers.
The artist that made the stepping stones (“Stolpersteine”) in front of houses where murdered jews once lived wasn’t allowed to also put them in Munich, for whatever reason. There are over 50000 all over Germany and I’m sure you would have seen them in every other big town.
That’s really interesting!
Thank you for that,it was a well reasoned argument that breaks down the criticism wonderfully., really, Merkel is a conservative and part of the CDU, the “Christian German Union”, our (center-right) conservative party equivalent. So she is really, really not a liberal in the same way Hillary or your Democrats are. Please do not confuse this - I respect Merkel for many things she has done…
Germany is pretty much the only country that doesn’t whitewash its history, and makes damn sure children are raised learning everything about its past mistakes so they won’t make them again. Virtually no other country does that.
More people voted for Clinton. Never forget that. We lost, but we are the majority.
THANK YOU. I just wrote a massive post about it, I really should have just kept reading the comments (woah, when do we ever recommend reading the comments?? :) )
Okay can we stop with the Stockholm syndrome thing with this movie? I know people enjoy being subversive and saying, “See your favourite fairy tales are actually creepy as F!!” But this particular movie (and I’m being very specific with the movie, not the fairy tale) was never Stockholm Syndrome. SS is when you spend…
This is my favorite Disney movie so I will look at it and read it and automatically use it to justify how much I adore this movie.
That was excellent.
I’m very annoyed by everyone constantly screaming “Stockholm Syndrome” when discussing this story, so I’ll just leave this link here. It’s an analysis of the behaviours of Belle and the Beast in the context of that lazy label that doesn’t really apply when you look at it closer. I hope someone reads it.
Kate McKinnon paid tribute to Hillary Clinton’s dismal political loss and the passing of Leonard Cohen in Saturday…