
$4.5M for 12,000 sq ft on four acres? In Potomac, MD?

That... That’s what this is for. To make overnight charge an option. 

Still think they should have left “Optima” and gotten rid of “Kia”. 

If you’re going to change anything, change the logo to something other than block letters in an oval.

For one thing, no EVs can facilitate wireless charging right now. For another, testing was done on something like that, and if anything gets between the car and the charge pad, like, say, a stray cat, it ends up crispy fried. 

Bullshit. Our power grid can more than handle a rapid growth in EV adoption, and anyone telling you otherwise is lying.

The old yoostabee gearheads didn’t like the transition to fuel injection either, but I don’t see them bitching about it now that there are cars running tens in the quarter mile from the factory.


Yep. But it’s the thought that counts.

No but it’d be cooler if the fire was real

You seem to think that cars don’t do anything good, and that removing them will make people’s lives better. But they move people. Sometimes they move people that would otherwise struggle to move themselves. They move heavy things that people can’t. They allow people (some of whom are the very ones most at risk for

Oh thank god, a New York City update.

Didn’t you read the review of that wicked Schwinn last month?

Speak truthfully?

Entitled much? Like damn dude, you make it sound like shuttering a majority of the city’s streets would be a simple, even necessary act to provide outdoor space for residents but that just isn’t the case.

Protest the government?

Tesla may yet regret having that open relationship with China building that plant there. It may help them sell more cars in the short term, but at a far cheaper price and when China gets rights to sell here it may come back to bite them.

Oh cool another Chinese car! Let us figure out the cars it’s design was copied from!

So the the poisonous dog food, toothpaste, toys, and drywall, weren’t big enough, red enough flags? Or the comically obvious car design rip-offs? I wouldn’t trust any Chinese car farther than I could fart in one.

I love a good piece of Chinese Propaganda

What the hell are YOU complaining about?  It’s 1873 - you’ll be able to sue HER!