
Nothing Aussie about them.
Holden, ford, mitsubishi nee chrysler, leyland, nissan, renault vw all designed, built or assembled cars in aust, but never subaru.

yea, they said this once before...

Zoom in on that detail. Enhance that ass. It looks a little like a pixelated Shelby Daytona back there.

I’m getting some heavy 911 vibes from this, in a very good way.

I view all attempts by Chinese manufacturers to gain a foothold to be nothing more than vaporware. It just won’t happen. 

“You have entered ‘Tianmen Square’ as your destination.  Due to disloyal activities, this location is no longer available.  Your doors have been locked and you will now be re-routed to the nearest re-education camp.”

are we prepared for the potential loss of personal freedom and control that might come with this?

Yeah I don’t understand why people don’t focus on the personal freedom aspect of a shift to AVs. Call me paranoid, but I don’t want to give that much control over to something I ultimately have no control over. Maybe people in a couple of generations won’t care, but I do.

That is so very sad.

My interpretation of the ad is that you leave the exhaust quiet if you want to impress men, and you make it loud when you want both men and women to have sex with you.

Every time you go down a hill it kicks in a trickles some charge to the batteries.

Depends. You wouldn’t have it generating power while cruising (it adds drag and the RVs powertrain just has to work harder.

RVs would also benefit greatly from some aerodynamics. Cars have spent decades lowering their drag coefficients, but motorhomes are still bricks. Colani understood this.

is killing people.”

What a stupid remark....

No, but I get what they are saying. It is comforting that somewhere out there in the world, there is a place that people can drive as fast as they want, without fear of law infraction or social retribution. Losing that makes the world a duller, less free place, whether it directly affects us in the USA or not. And

Just because something doesn’t have a direct impact on a person, doesn’t mean they can’t be concerned about it. I think we both can think of ways that your view negatively affects the whole of society. Just because I don’t like or do something, doesn’t mean no one else should be able to do it. While the OP might never

If we don’t have unlimited autobahns, then what exactly is the point of Germany?

I love sassy Venn diagrams.