
I think there’s a delicate balance that needs to be maintained to have an effect government and functioning society. Government definitely needs to step in to set boundaries or else chaos would ensue. Some humans just have bad judgement and would end up endangering others. The whole reason government and to some

There are countries such as Russia or China that try that. I invite you to go for a few years then report back on how that is going.

Well that fucking blows. TIL don’t be Micheal Jackson.

I would bloody well hope the hell can you morally or rationally justify being held liable for what someone else does with your stolen property?

If you don’t see the issue with the government charging you with a crime and fining you heavily for leaving your car running, you simply don’t belong in this country nor do you deserve to live here. Sorry, you might like North Korea a bit better.

I still fail to see how it is the person who left their keys in their car’s fault that someone got hurt? That person didn’t do the harm or even plan for harm to be done.

“summers aren’t so hot that you absolutely have to leave the A/C running when you step out”

This is an insane line of thinking. Turn victims of theft into criminals. It is the job of citizens to protect the criminally stupid from themselves?

And get punished like a criminal? Being stupid is not the same as maliciously doing something to another human. Basically you can get locked with the guy who stole your car, even though it was all his idea and he was the one who purported the crime and got caught?!? Man that sounds like a fair place to live.

If they didn’t want their car stolen, they shouldn’t have left it running so provocatively.

What next? Criminalize victims of violence who weren’t defending themselves by carrying a gun? I’d rather live in a society where we don’t make criminals out of victims. An unlocked door is not a gift.

AH, I love it when government’s response to a taxpayer asking for help is “Ugh! We have to provide you a service! Hmm, how can we punish and/or overcharge you for it...”

Bye, Felicia Florida.

Right. Because losing your car because you did something stupid, isn’t punishment enough?

“Juveniles are crashing into people, killing themselves,”

Never overused.

What’s bigoted about a women not wanting to have unprotected sex? She’s not anti-gay, she’s anti-STD. I thought a woman had a right to choose what happens to her body. I guess that only applies if she passes your ideological test.

They don’t take up causes, they take up the root law. So yes, oftentimes they will be defending someone despicable but that’s because our government cannot decide to just violate bad people’s rights. Because who draws that line and where. So often it looks like they’re on some nasty cause but really they are going

“You just become a convert”

And thanks DNC for making sure the candidate who would have defeated Trump easily didn’t run against him.