I think that may have more to do with risk assessment and self preservation. I wouldn’t call it selfishness. Many people, myself included, think it’s a little dangerous to trust society/someone else with you well-being. Even the best social safety nets can fall apart. There’s always the possibility that the thing you…
Okay... so this is acceptable but the Cybertruck is hideous right? O_o
These conversations don’t make any sense and come across as very naive to me. The whole boomer’s vs the world thing that’s in vogue atm is kind of ridiculous. Why stop there? Why not blame the people who started the industrial revolution? What about the Victorians? The greatest generation maybe? They lived in a world…
Juke Nismo?
I think it looks much better. It finally has a front end that's worthy of its glorious rear.
The Moller Skycar.
I tell ya right now I'd be camping in the woods, huntin slag beasts with a plasma cannon in that thing.
You really believe that?
My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a…
It's a carryover. Is it really anymore ridiculous than still measuring things in "horsepower"?
I loved the zdx. Looked like a concept car.
I would LOVE to see the cars that you think are beautiful.
I like life at Paddy's PuuuuuUUUUyuuub!
Lol no it wasn’t. I hate the whole boomer thing. It’s like yelling at my mom and she didn’t do anything. I like a lot of older cars but those kind were terrible.
No offense to anyone's nostalgia but I don't see it. To me it's another ugly old box from back in the day.
They come from the guy hanging off the back of the truck with the paint stick.
Because it looks cooler on film. That's it. I wish it were deeper lol.
My wife! Ohhohoho!