
And now for my last trick...

Btw, there's an entire industry of people behind those music artists who enable them to make all that money, just the same as the with a car company. It is an industry.

No one is knocking down Taylor Swift's doors for making insane money every years. Beyonce and Jay Z aren't criticized for being gazillionairs, but this guy, well screw this guy right?

I was wondering what to do with all this money I have lying around. Thank you.

Ddefine winter. We talking Louisiana winter or Michigan winter?

Good thing I've already got one.

I was behind the whole thing. That's what you get for canceling the Juke.

I think it’s just a timing thing. I was born in 86, so by the time I was old enough to care about cars these were old and falling apart, dented, beat up, etc. To me round was the future and all the more aerodynamic designs looked more like the stuff i saw on star trek and stuff than the boxes from the 70s and 80s.

I don't get the appeal. Always the ugliest era of car design to me.

You can't just assume someone's Canadian

Demolition man come to life.

I don't care.

This is gonna be unpopular but I never really cared about the supra. I also think a clockwork orange is a terrible movie, Quentin Tarantino is over rated and rotary engines are garbage. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful evening.


Lincoln MKZ

I do not like the direction ford is going with its design now. They were nearly perfect in the recent past. The current gen explorer is a smooth, almost futuristic looking vehicle that is balanced and makes sense. This is a step away from that. They did the same thing with the fiesta and the focus too. The fiest st

Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!

You obviously haven't spent much time on film sets.

The way of the future... the way of the future... 

Then cry.