Oswald Bates: True Genius. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to liquidate my bowels in the Jheri Curl of society
Oswald Bates: True Genius. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to liquidate my bowels in the Jheri Curl of society
“What I’ve always said is I know nothing about that. I can only speak for what he has been to me and the players,” Rivera said Tuesday. “A fellow adult I’m afraid to call by his first name.”
Really? Because I thought she said it was really hard to find out that someone you love did terrible things, because you can’t just stop loving them because they did terrible things, and so she was really conflicted because she loved him but hated what he did.
I’m giving you a star and then slowly backing away
I also read this article
when they did cut to him during the pit/ne game, i was looking for any sign that he had use of his legs, and there was one moment in which he seemed to slide forward in a way that, to me, looked like he was in a wheelchair.
i also agree with your impression that if he were walking, we’d damn well know about it.
Lauren, send some Deadspin staffers to do some investigative journalism. Pull the fire alarm and see if he makes it out on foot.
It sounds like a bluff. I wonder what harm it would have done to wait until they actually hired an attorney and submitted an actual cease-and-desist, rather than just a phone call? I’m guessing once the Staggering Ox found out how much the attorneys fees would be, they’d probably just let it drop. I know Half Brothers…
I guarantee that these are the kinds of dudes who lament the fact that all the literate young people leave Northwest Iowa for Des Moines or Omaha at the very least, if not the Twin Cities or Chicago.
Four weeks without pay is a rather aggressive punishment for such a minor error.
I still don’t get why people are acting like Lauer’s firing comes as some sort of a shock. The only shock is that he was allowed to do this shit for as long as he did. The man is a true piece of shit in every way, and perhaps the hackiest non-Fox News anchor around.
More like Garrison Feeler
You sound like an unpleasant prick. Your mom should have aborted.
“I made a really, really dumb joke that I’m perfectly fine to repeat now ‘cause I was f—in’ 25. I said, ‘No one would be calling me a racist if they knew how badly I wanted to f— Drake,’” she recalls. Her boyfriend, Jack Antonoff, warned her away from making comments like those: “He said, ‘Don’t say that in…
“The vibe was very much like, ‘Do I want to f— it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo,” Dunham continued. “I’m going to go back to my cell phone.’” It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie. I was like, ‘This…
for people who don’t have a chance
Watching Giannis on/off the court is one of the few things that still inspires joy without caveats to the unguarded, non-cynical side of me. Truly, he is a freak in that regard.
Which “A Different World” did he watch?
“It created a false sense of parallel identity where black existence thrived without any interaction with, input from or approval by white people.”