
“But we also had a case where Judge Kavanaugh came forward and said, ‘I’m 100% certain that this did not happen.’”

..and you also have a Judge Kavanaugh that already openly lied to you all multiple times.... so what’s one more perjury added to the pile? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes, my hopes to see the rest of what R.A. Salvatore penned is greater than it was, I’m stoked!

Been gnawing at me for years knowing he wrote everything for this “series” and it never went further than the first game, it’s like he wrote a novel (at least) that was never going to be published.

If he wasn’t so focused on the “Witch Hunt”, he’d see that there’s pretty much no one that’s been doing a better job of exerting his policy than Sessions.

That interview he did where he was talking about how Sessions didn’t take over the DoJ made it sound like “hey, he took the job, and went on sabbatical instead of

Ok, so I’m going to take it you’ve never had any experience (first hand, or direct third-party) with “the system”

I have through one of my step-fathers and a close friend, it’s completely designed to keep you wrapped up once you’re ensnared.

Once you’re released you’re most often dealing with probation of some sort:

I suck at the feelings into words thing, so; this. Totally this.

My rule is if the next person isn’t at a fair distance to reach the door at their current pace when I get there, I’ll linger before opening the door for them to not force them to change their pace.

So effectively, I change this from me being an “asshole” for making one change pace, to me being a “creep” by lingering at

...and the other from a publication he had direct influence on.

I’ve given Bungie hell over the past handful of years for not allowing cross-platform saves, thinking it was them that was stopping cross-platform saves for Destiny (1 and 2). It made no sense, you have a combined account on, the save files reside on their servers, not ones owned by MS or Sony, so it

The one musical choice that jumped out at me immediately was on The Division 2 presser’s “outro” trailer (“History will Remember”)... all of a sudden I hear Zeal and Ardor.

I was already sold, but I was sold harder after that!

It’s not the first time that Twitch has done a wipe like this. A few years ago very popular game was in a bad spot, and a very public figure of said game started popping up as an emote. This lasted a week or so before these emotes were wiped because you can’t use someone’s likeness without permission.

Sure it’s against

Been there, know that pain :’(

Since it’s announcement I’ve viewed Survive as humorous, it was, to me an allegory, switching to a zombie game, when the game was itself a zombie, no longer being able to think without it’s brain (Kojima).

Reading your review, it seems to go so much deeper, but still continues along that train of thought. Good job! <3

Indeed a raw deal, that last part of the game felt so rushed, so... unfulfilled of what it could have been. It’s just “crap happened, now go complete your destiny”

I still caught a case of the feels at the end, but, the whole section was a let-down, glad to see they’re appending stuff to it I guess; but it’s too late

I’ve yet to start it (these mons don’t drop mats!), but by the sounds of it, I’m apprehensive.

I was really hoping it was a remake more on par with Wonderboy: The Dragon’s Trap, Lizardcube knocked it out of the park on that one; don’t like the new hand-drawn sprites? hit a button and it’s back to it’s retro glory,

Huh, and here I thought it was illegal to drop anything, even incorrectly delivered mail into someone else’s mailbox.

One more step towards super-villain-dom foiled, drats, and double drats!

I’ve been clamoring that it feels like it’s time for a new tale of souls and swords for a few E3's now... ...and then I miss the announcement last night :P thanks for pointing this out!

Even though I felt the last entry was severely lacking, super hyped about this!

More often than not, since companies seem to never feel a need to update their point of sale systems, both terms rightly fit the acronym.

Generally a broadcaster would do both on the old system, “raid” spamming a link for chatters to follow into the new room to show support, and host, which left viewers in the original room, if they still wanted to interact with each other and the originating broadcaster (if they stuck around after a show).

yep, less waste (because I’ve yet to find a cutter on the box that can do a competent job of cutting a straight line), and doesn’t roll up! Great stuff!

Oh dear lord, somehow I had managed to completely erase that from my memory until now :’( makes me sad all over again.

Hopefully they give Cygames the correct master version this time lol.