
Uh? I’ve been using it since 2008 and it looks exactly the same. Rolling out?

All the shops were sold out of dresses, what did you want her to wear???

This is so fucking creepy.

How can you be an atheist and a satanist at the same time?


Wonder what will happen with this. They mention failure to process payments correctly, and that happened to me ALL the time with mine. The repayment options were abysmal until I got a good job. I also experienced the variable vs. fixed rate issue. I CLEARLY remember when they jacked up my payment to $600+, which was

There’s also an underground community of ferret owners.

Well if PUTIN says it’s fake....

The highest court reasoned that the party was likely too weak to undermine democracy.

Ok so what’s his number?

Great Americans Day, according to the Biloxi Sun Herald, recognizes a joint celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s birthdays.

Perhaps we can take these results and stop blaming 3rd party voters, now?

Sounds like something from Banjo Kazooie.

You think the Russians made her unlikable to a very real portion of people before she ever ran for president? Bless your heart.

How is holding them to the specific terms of their contract considered defrauding VW? They literally have to buy the vehicle back, and the car is driveable under its own power. Beyond that, there isn’t really any good faith here, because he didn’t sign the damn paperwork.

Oh great, another wiggly-ass line in the sand.

Why is this shithead always licking himself?

Why does everyone care so much that the information was leaked and not that the information EXISTED IN SECRET until it was leaked?

Why would you even bother doing this, when it’s clear your family can get away with anything?

Hillary was incredibly unlikable and untrustworthy long before emails and Russians and Trump.