
@vinod1978: Ok, so what? I don't see what you are getting at here. You old PC needed a mouse, you couldn't jab at it with your finger.

Well they had to make their photos look good, or else nobody would buy their point and shoots, what better way to do it than a 5d mkII

Yes finally an awesome GSM android phone that isnt the desire or N1. This may be a serious option for me, i hope samsung sell it sim free from their site, or at least a 3rd party.

Its because you are holding the browser wrong. You have to get a javascript bumper to be able to use the browser properly. Available from Apple for only $30

The acerAspire nettop i have is Silent, i can only hear the hard drive in it, which when a video is playing you cant here at all. If they stick some ssd or flash memory in here i cant see why they would need a fan, unless my nettop has one, that i dont know about.

Yay, now the waiting game begins for this to either

Wait how can you have what essentially, or so i understand this, as being a gay tax? Surely that in its own right is discriminating?

@When_you_get_the_money_you_get...: And many readers who have outlived them all...

Em, i dont think thats running with Sense? It looks very vanilla android to me

The Starbucks store i work in, never uses coffee that is 30days old. We get 1KG bags in every week for the coffee to be ground for the following weeks drip coffee, so the fresh filter we sell is never more than a 12 day old bean, that gets ground every morning. The espresso we use in the bean hoppers is about the

@buddhatooda: Even release the "grey" 3rd one in the series, blue red has yellow etc. That would be a good launch for the 3ds at christmas

You could do this with a SD card and the slot on your laptop. Then it would hide in pretty flush so you would have no chance of knocking it out.

I have always thought of doing this, but would this not really slow it down? Unless you have a crazy fast and expensive usb drive, would doing this not make the new virtual RAM run really slow? Like page file on the hard drive would run way quicker than a usb drive surely?!

@nicointhesky: It still is my great phone in 2010. Never leaves my side, performs great, and does the same as lots of the new smartphones

Slap in the face to the "open" Face-time chat from apple []

@Feanarth: mencoder, ffmpeg, all of which have good windows free open source front ends, but their names escape me just now.

@liammiller18: It seems silly then that a company would use a 4 year old chip for a new product. And that a chip maker would continue to make and support and develop a 4 year old chip with no large buyers for it over 4 years in the hope that eventually someone will.

Must be cheaper than an Ipad, as i see this being its main competitor. As great as android is, its not going to challenge windows in the net top depertment any time soon, so it has to challenge the Ipad and its market, as a quick and easy pick up and surf and watch device, which, with a battery like this, im sure it