
The focussed area looks very very nice, but the background is still full of noise, but i guess that is because of the low aperture.

I will wear my cx-300's with greater than normal pride today. And have a minutes silence before i use them in respect. What a company!

I almost got excited, then read mmorpg. Not my thang. I wish they made a new RTS that was simple and fun, without all the shiny 3d graphics. There was nothing wrong with red alert/starcraft style.

@eagles500: Its because ubuntu is the most used linux distribution. I used to be a massive opensuse fan, 9.1-10.2, but have moved to kubuntu. As massively great as YaST was, i liked the fact that in *buntu you dont need it, there is nothing to set up for the basic user. SuSe, RedHat, Mandriva, all require a small

Microsoft should look at these console and find out how they are staying on for so long. Then take that idea and put them into the 360 so i dont get scared my house will burn down after a gaming session

@john56477: hit the ubuntu forums. There will probably be a thread for this issue already, if there is not you will get a speedy response

@ssj4Gogeta: The flash issue is an old issue now, I have been running 9.10 64 since launch, albeit kubuntu, but its the same flash programme, and had no problems at all. And i have found almost 0 programme compatability issues, except for one widget, but i was able to easily compile that myself.

@baest: Im in the UK, but i cant see why it would be any different in the USA. carriers want to keep you, and it costs them next to nothing to give you a sim card, so keeping me for another 12 months stops rivals getting my money, while they make pretty much 100% profit off me for 12months without having to give me

Coming to the end of a 2 year contract is a perfect time to bargain with your provider. I just came off my contract and managed to get my phone down to about $14/month for 12 months, with no phone, for 300 mins, texts and internet. Which works out at $336 for 24months, i might get it cheaper when my first year runs

@Patrick Van: I have never had that problem, maybe its a hardware problem with yourself?

@hatboysam: One of the things i loved about my original XBMC was its ability to let me play all my N64, snes, megadrive games all in the one place, using the gamepad. It was so much easier than having lots of different consoles set up under my TV.

What windows 7 PC doesnt have one of those CPU's anyway though? I though everything c2d onwards has that?

nintendo still has the massive hold here though. I sure thats all any of the hardware makers will care about

@phantam: because it would then need to run an xbmc backend aswel. I doubt WD would let the firmware to be hacked to run a different OS, or install a backend and front end programme over there own. If you tried hard enough though, you, or someone could hack it?