Corgis Rule Canada

Paraphrasing her: “I’m gonna record your baby. There. See. And your baby is stealing.”

Oh, the irony!

Michael’s is the only big box craft American store where I live (I think), and it’s always so quiet. Even when it’s full, it’s so quiet. Hushed whispers. Delicate touching. Kid shrieking that they are hungry.

Yeah, I like the bags. I use them in the garden whenever I’m moving plants around.

“Your baby stole that.”

I gotta tell you, Michael’s IS my safe space and I will be fucking pissed if anyone comes into my store and ruins my experience. By God, you WILL stand in an ordered queue and you WILL keep your tantrum restricted to those under the age of 10 thank you very much.

Ah! I couldn’t quite follow the bag issue. That makes sense. I’ve seen a few people get pissy about the Ikea bag strategy, but they either buy it or just use their cart to bring it to their car.

It sounds like she mouthed off at one of them when asking for her things to be bagged properly. It’s hard to tell because she is having a full tantrum. The ending is hilarious. I’m pretty sure she’s on the phone with the police and yelling at them that she’s being discriminated against.

It just makes the video all the better. Michaels - the most sedate store ever.

I’m not sure she’s making America great, but she’s sure making the internet great again.

My mom likes to tell this story of my first or second Christmas. I was adopted so everyone tried to spoil me to make me feel welcome and all that shit. I pushed all of the toys to one side and crawled inside a box and squealed.

No one abused them (assuming that making kids lie about being sexually abused isn’t abuse itself). The doctor recanted as the “proof” was based on now-discredited techniques.

My doctor isn’t so much “anti abortion” as “let’s have as few as possible abortions.” She was telling me once that it made no sense to her that these anti-abortionists were focusing on sex ed as well as abortion laws. She said they should be out in the streets handing out free condoms and encouraging schools to bring

Sidenote: I’ve heard kids deal with this a lot better than adults. I don’t know if there’s any truth to it, though.

Hell, I had a hard enough time that my coworker’s (justified) actions and my indirect actions caused someone to freeze to death. I can’t image shooting someone and then going to have a snack afterward. That’s like an assassin in a movie level of wtfry.

I know that folks have done after you already with how trick shots are for the TV. But, just as an aside, there are veins and arteries throughout the body and any gunshot injury has the potential to pierce an artery and bleed out.

Being near Lena Durham sounds exhausting.

Get off my lawn with your uterus dress. I’m trying to listen to Bon Jovi while wearing my button fly jeans.

Honestly, I think they should. Moderates, at least, can help bring a moderate tone to things. And while that might keep things far right, at least they might be able to keep things from becoming authoritative state right...

I hope that I have the courage and ability at 77 to risk my life to help a stranger.