
coulsin just saying where the book is was dumb writing.

Aida death was great… damn mac haha

Amazing episode! the twist within a twist was unexpected but made total sense.

what oliver said to thea was savage. damn

The biggest WTF where they thinking moment was Roy vs Damien….. seriously, why the hell did they have Roy win. Thats the type of thing that kills shows, dont forget your characters.

isnt slavery an american thing

Evil Rip is great, i wonder how they will get him back to normal but so far i really like what they did with him this season

Amaya completely humiliated Sara as the leader lmao….. One second she is telling Sara to do the right thing in taking the spear away and the next she is telling her to save Ray and Sara did everything she said. like…. the hell?? I wish Mick was the leader, more than qualified after he was Kronos. But i guess Mick

Love Julian. Gonna be sad when he eventually dies at the end of the season. I would really prefer it if he became part of the main cast. Same with HR, definitely my favorite version of wells. Thought the episode was good but i didnt understand how the Vibe hero is there with Grodd. i must have missed something.

my problem with west and allen is the incestuous tones. i hate how 1 scene can have barry and iris kissing and the next can have barry and joe calling each other father and son.

What is the deal with damsel in distress nonsense? Kara is the most powerful woman in the universe, why is that the reaction from her when MonEl is trying to defend her. I always hate it when they force woman power in this show. They dont need to do that.

this episode was cancer….. keep political nonsense out of my show please. and i say this as someone from the UK where guns are banned.

hoping the kara and lena stuff can be half as good as smallvilles relationship between clark and lex

kara is being insanely annoying these past couple episodes. the scene with the editor, kara and james just made her look like a complete moron. even if she is right its just the writing and acting

lmao, kara was pretty embarrassing in this episode. how old is she? 9???

glad she killed him…. 3 year vendetta cant just be stopped like that.

mick is the best.

i dont want serialisation stopped, i actually really like it and think the arc episodes of south park are some of the best in the whole show. I just think they need to have a better plan or even more episodes if they need to go that far. The season long stories rreally revitalised the series imo

Its clear Geralds arc this season should have been Stans.

anyone member kenny?