
not a fan of these types of cliffhangers… just like the walking dead we are going to know it all before the next episode because of on set spoilers. they should have just cut to whoever was in the pod and then ended it. we live in the internet age where nothing can be a secret.

wow, the first half was sooooo cheesy. damn. 2nd half was a lot better and they had amazing fights for tv. supergirl season 1 was good and i will stick around for season 2.

if a kid has pr*ck and d*ick in his name he must be evil. pridickatron lmao

who the hell thought it would be a good idea to have this idiot review daredevil?

and the worse part of it all was hearing laurel pretty much say she wants oliver to get back with felicity… fml…

i wish he was more involved earlier to make me care he switched. because like you i saw this betrayal coming a mile away and it would have been good to have him more involved to make it matter more.

why laurel… we have a perfect opportunity to kill off felicity but they chose laurel? laurel has been great this season. her relationship with oliver and her dad especially had been a good watch. i used to hate her but they really brought her around this season. i felt really sorry for her when she spoke to her dad

yikes… i was honestly expecting this episode to tease me back. i stopped watching it because i thought the pacing was so slow so i got bored and really just forgot to watch it after season 4 premier. i guess all that negan hype was for nothing.

good episode. i really cant understand snart… you would think he would do everything with mick. mick does one bad thing and all of a sudden you hate him? mick is my favorite character in this show.

yes… get rid of felicity. i cant believe oliver got p*ssed off with curtis making jokes when his stupid ex would do it every chance she got. looks like they are starting to plant the laurel and oliver seed this episode too. lets hope it isnt as bad as the olicity crap we have had to deal with. the villain was too

great episode. i like how fireman 1 and 2 saved the day with a hose. at least they know whenever that lightning girls show up all they have to do is sprinkle water on her.

i am disappointed that they are leaving the show just to start their own series. these characters are needed on shield. i think the best thing from this will be getting new characters. i will miss hunter the most.

is there any significance to the ending scene? or is it just a random character introduction

how old is wells daughter? why does she have to ask permission to go out? haha. weird. it felt like when sisco said "even though were practically brother and sister wanna dance" it felt like some dig at barry trying to go out with iris since they have lived together since they were young and are basically siblings D:

so… they sent a fumbling idiot to kill an alien? i laughed so hard at how bad that scene was with danvers and the snake. other than that and the missed opportunity of the crazy b*tch throwing winn off the building it was a great episode.

great episode. that scene with ward was disgusting D: i wonder what its powers are. he destroyed planets, this is a big deal

+new day and LON. i cant believe they made LON interesting D: wow.
+Y2J (and his save with the neville situation)
+dean ambrose and lesnar feud.
+ziggler acting like its the last promo he will ever have and delivered
+HHH wrestling. he still puts on great matches.
+roman beatdown. give credit when its due. he should have

i think as much as people hate on cena at the very least he has it. he cant talk and get over. roman just cant. its really strange why wwe are pushing so hard.

they just need to turn him heel… HHH is going to get cheered at the main event and they cant seriously consider closing the main event of wrestlemania with boos and pretending they dont exist. if they do that they kill roman forever.

doesnt really make sense they would lock up MM but let supergirl go around. if anything he has proven himself haha. hopefully it gets sorted out next episode so he can return. he is my favorite character in the show. the cgi on the show is really good for tv.