canary scream is still the cringiest thing ever.
canary scream is still the cringiest thing ever.
the ba*tards are definitely faking us out. you dont kill off a main character like that. damien would have been the one to kill her in front of oliver. she will be alive i bet. i want her dead, i really dont like felicity but even i can see a wasted moment.
jay… what an utter waste and a disappointment. should have gone back to earth 2.
the flash is being beat up by 2 villains and in the background there are just police and people walking around like normal… thanks for taking me right out of the moment….
please try and review shield weekly… the other guy hates it so much that i dont even bother reading the reviews anymore. i just come here for the chatter among people that actually like the show.
shield has been a great show since the 2nd half of season 1. its way better than flash and arrow too. hell, arrow season 3 was worse than shields first half of season 1. stop hating
i guess the worse thing about this episode was the lash stuff… it was just literally a moment to let him get out because he didnt even stay with simmons. i think it would have made more sense if he was with simmons more instead of bailing on her first chance. but thats nitpicking.
loved it.
bullshet… i have not seen anyone say it was jonn lmao.
one more thing… DIRECTOR MAC!! love mac so its great to see him get such a big responsibility
i dont understand why you hate a plot point that hasnt even happened yet. youre already hating on the plan to get maveth back to earth when you have literally nothing to hate about it. we dont know a damn thing yet. why do they want it?
i am so late.
too soon man… that whole planet was destroy :'(
the real hank will show up soon i bet. as cyborg superman hopefully.
haha… that twist, probably got all the comic fans too. the show has really turned me around. before i was only into the action of it but now i really like the characters. i even like cat too. worse thing is that stupid love triangle. they even calmed down on all that feminist crap.
surprised this was lower than part 1 because i preferred part 2. i guess it was the time travel? and to be honestly i was really upset with it too but oliver still finds out about the son and we get to see laurel and felicity get destroyed haha
anyone explain president daughter stuff?
at least this was a proper send off for clara. thought the raven episode really anticlimactic. enjoyed the episode and i wonder what is going to happen with ashilder.
i also wanna say i was deeply saddened by this episode because it reminded me of the terrorist attacks in paris -_-
that ending has gotten me pretty excited for the show. they are obviously trying to get their lex