
Right, but Charlotte had no evidence beyond the story of his daughter and looting and violence erupted. You think an inconclusive video will appease them??!

It states why right in this article:

Scroll down, because there’s plenty to now refute the original story. Although I doubt cop-haters like yourself will be swayed, you’ll somehow find a way to side with career criminals!

As I’ve mentioned to others, even the chief admits it is inconclusive as to whether or not he pointed the gun at them. My thought based on his “video doesn’t tell everything, etc” is that people that were outraged will continue to be, and those that see it as 50/50 will question why they still shot him...queue up more

Yes, and from the very beginning posters here were inferring the police had something to hide. I simply stated they obviously didn’t if the very first people being shown were the family and lawyers who were very vocal about the police’ version of events. Do you understand how damaging it can be just looking at the

Because, and it’s stated as such in this article...what ISN’T conclusive is whether or not he was POINTING the weapon at them or simply brandishing it but not dropping it. They already have witnesses and a crime scene photo of a gun, and it really wouldn’t be a stretch based on his criminal record. But I think their

I agree. I’m not denying that police view white suspects differently than black. What I’m saying is that knowing this, black suspects still manage to defy cops in almost all instances. If they say drop your weapon, don’t waver or take your time. If they say don’t move...don’t. Let them do their bullshit and let you

Sure, but I’m not seeing him here when I read your posts. I mean, you don’t want me to character assassinate a career criminal that is now going to be shown on video with a gun in hand, NOT in his car and NOT reading a book!

Yes, but they are not actively engaged with police who are telling them to drop it. My point is that most weapons that are holsterable NEED to be so when in an open carry state. Per the story, police came upon this man, and “the second time he stepped out of his vehicle, and refused to put down the weapon upon being

As it stands now, what has come out now completely refutes the original story hence why the police are so willing to let the family and lawyers view the video. Before this, there was only the daughter’s story and she wasn’t even there, now we are told they have witnesses to corroborate this version, gun shown on the

Sure, but you just need to see it so you can crack this case wide open, right MacGuyver? because we all know both the parents and lawyers will have nothing to say about it tomorrow?

Sure, whatever tough guy. I know, him being accused of not dropping his gun has nothing to do with his very recent past that goes back 2 decades for gun crimes!


Why, did your Mom request that? What’s she making for supper?


Sure dummy, whatever you say. Wouldn’t want you to have to throw that T-shirt away, HAHAHA!

Whoa, “positive view”? People reacted very hostile based on the daughter’s video...which has been proven to be a lie, confirmed now by the family changing their tunes and asking for calm while they “wait to get all the answers”. The girl if anything was the one that was impeaching the cop’s character without even

I don’t have to try, I have actual facts and documents I can link to, of actual people on the case. Not you...who “saw stuff”!

It is being “released” moron, because normally you have to make a special request...which they don’t because...wait for it...THEY ARE RELEASING IT TO THE FAMILY TO VIEW!!!

I know, and many more have had enough of random black crime plaquing most major cities, when will you start focusing on that...since you don’t want police to get involved? Maybe have a bake sale?