You don’t get to tell me what to do.
You don’t get to tell me what to do.
Actually you have it backwards, white people do LOTS of protests with BLM, and as shown here countless times they have been told not to make it about themselves and would prefer they do so quietly in the background. So no, they don’t do “lots” of them, specifically because it never even makes the news to the extent…
Well, isn’t Charlotte basically where the majority of the jobs are, besides the Research Triangle?
I just listed the fucking source dumbass!!
He;s been getting randomly tested for YEARS, like right in the dugout testing! Secondly, look at his stats the past decade...utterly consistent UNLIKE other known PED takers, there is ALWAYS a huge dropoff.
...but does she? I feel this is rather one-sided, which can be rather creepy.
With how light/thin they are now, why settle for only a 36"?
What’s in a Jiffy Lube that someone would want??
Walmart had some crazy “rollbacks”apparently!
I thought Charlotte was pretty nice, no? Like, alot of people are moving down there from other states. So why is there so much crime, because it doesn’t appear to have alot of poverty compared to other big cities:
Are you friends, you have pet names for each other? Does she even know/care?
Jesus Christ, the OP stated “Refusing to follow an order should not get you shot.” I offered two random fucking examples to counter that you moron! They were stating that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you be shot for following orders!
Just let it go, we don’t need a gif of her for EVERY article.
He’s been nominated a bunch of times, and has been in some classic films. No one would ever claim that the guy can’t act, he always plays different roles which is harder to do.
??? She has an Oscar and an Emmy.
Oh, so now I’m racist because a guy with drugs in his car (and I will guarentee RIGHT NOW, in his system), walks AWAY from police to his car but that is complying, HAHAHA!
Nope, but would you like examples of when tasering hasn’t worked??
Isn’t being black a disability?