
@BooFinch @junkmailing001 @ziadaunallah001

Fairly? Okay maybe I need to rephrase myself as I think my comments are being misunderstood (which would obviously be my fault for not communicating correctly). What I am saying is that Apple's days of building the most popular smartphone OS are over. I think that the iPhone was a great device but I do not think it




I don't want to sound rude, but you are wrong. It isn't 2008 and Android isn't a newcomer or only a techie's OS anymore. Apple smartphone market share has been falling like a rock these past months, they really needed something new to at least stay relevant. There is MUCH more competition these days from Google, and

Apple is done. The new Nexus Prime looks even thinner than the SGSII and it has a very attractive curved display. It is going to be everything the iPhone5 failed to be. Google is going to beat Apple at their own game. Almost everyone I know who has an iPhone was thinking about switching to Android but were holding out

I think this article is such a perfectly executed joke, it is hard to tell the difference.

Props for finally doing one of these. I thought I was the only one who thought every iPhone review since the first one sounded exactly the same.

They weren't there when the article was first posted ;) But thanks now I know.

Its all about perspective?

I would get one in a heartbeat if it was around $350, otherwise I couldn't justify the cost. Where did you get yours?

Those are standard.

IMO One of the most important specifications for a "multimedia" device is screen resolution, especially for movies. The fact that they aren't saying anything about it is kinda holding back my excitement for this thing.

Free unlimited 3G?

Anyone else see the irony in that this was posted on Gizmodo?

Wait...What?! It is inferior to the OG Atrix in almost every way.