
This comes to mind every single time I see that some people actually are like that.

What backlash? Wtf is this do people really ask others if it’s OK to like something they already like? Seriously such a weird thing to see someone ask.

But clearly a child lived in there once. They drew and wrote on the walls and no matter how many times I paint over it, it still bleeds through.”

If she were renting, it would be especially dumb to look everywhere for the circuit breaker, without ever thinking to ask the landlord. Same with the water heater.

Also also as a gay guy, I’ve never thought that they were homophobic because they are obviously joking. I could see how somebody just taking a quick look would think all the retard and autistic comments are a problem, but it’s true they really are just calling each other that because they bet all their money away like

This this is easily one of the best games I’ve ever played and I wish so much that there was more like it but there isn’t as far as I know. The writing is ridiculously good like I can’t believe anyone could even do this

Kind of kind of interesting this is being said when the game everything or nothing for PS2, a James Bond game, has a train level. It’s pretty difficult though. This game’s train level reminded me of that one a lot

I think you’re too obsessed with breath of the Wild

Haha! Yeah, it would be.

Or it just or it just means that they care at least a little bit how about looking like they are doing something right.

Once once you actually get into something, that feeling goes away and you're just into it instead of dreading getting into it

It it always seems that way before. But once you are in it trust me it's great

Double XP truly captured Trump's way of talking. The comics don't usually make me laugh out loud but that one did. Hilarious

Found the guy/gal complaining celebrities shouldn’t care about anything unless s/he does To answer your ignorance, she’s a very popular singer for a long time now

That used to be true, but Final Fantasy XV has excellent textures specifically for PC. And the FF XII port is very we done for PC compared to most ports from almost any console game developers.  

You’re right, I totally forgot about that somehow...  Oops

A a couple years ago but got better, but it used to be so much worse

LMAO! This Thread is the best. Thank you for making my morning. It’s of hilarious to see so many people saying that you’re such a angry asshole, while they are saying way more Angry assholy things than you are. but the icing on the cake here, is that you keep responding to every single comment with quite a bit to say!

Ssd has nothing to do with what a game looks like

I’m pretty sure everyone understood that.