Wow I could have gone my whole life without even knowing this exists. I'm glad I didn't.
Wow I could have gone my whole life without even knowing this exists. I'm glad I didn't.
So now it's a rule that all females in games have to be that nasty portayal that you described? That is NOT what people are asking for here. That is definitely not what feminists want either. It is possible to have a female character that actually looks like a female and not some "huge breasted female toon".
Wow can't be satisfied I see.
Yes The South Park game review was no good. Said it had all these glitches and awfulness but I had not one single glitch that I can remember. There musta been at least one but I don't remember them and I would if they mattered at all. So your right their reviews are not exactly the best if the South Park one is…
Or it just wasn't ready. I can't see them being able to change the game to be like GTA in only 5 extra months or. (The sixth month bening finishing touches)
"Alright, just let him know I wish him the best while he's in prison, and that I'll talk to him next year. Thanks bye!"
Damn just last week I was so late for work because the bus driver fell in love. That seems to happen at least twice a year to me!
Do you have to buy any game the moment it comes out? Even if WiiU version came out tomorrow you could still wait you know.
I've been waiting for this game for a couple years now like everyone else, and yet only a couple days after I went to Chicago for the first time a couple months ago, (first time in any major american city) did I notice that the game takes place their because of an article here talking about how accurate it is and all.…
It did it was awkward. I agree this was insanely odd to see but so amazing. Especially being a Friends fan as I am.