
Both are decent. Neither are classics. In my opinion, anyway.

This definitely makes me more interested to see a movie I was more or less indifferent on, but is X going to go down as some overlooked classic? I saw it in the theater, liked it enough, but it didn’t exactly feel like it broke a lot of new ground. More like a B+ on the scale of that type of film.

Scorsese is one of the few directors who champions new films and filmmakers. It’s great, the man just loves movies.

Marvel fans don’t need an excuse to get riled up. Despite being fans of the largest movie franchise in history, with a plethora of content generated just for them, and crowding out the rest of the market, they’re somehow still the same ignored, underappreciated, and totally oppressed nerds getting wedgied in middle

I mean, his opinion about superhero movies is always the subtext on any recent “Scorsese on cinema” writing; it’s hardly surprising that it was referenced.

This shouldn’t be surprising given how Microsoft as a whole is trying to push everything to a subscription model. The Xbox ‘box’ is just a means to sell Gamespass which is being pushed to as many devices as possible. It really doesn’t matter how much an Xbox is, just as long as people continue to be interested in

Apparently it is trivially easy to turn a series S console into an emulation box. It can run basically everything up to ps2 with little trouble.

We’re starting to see the Series X arrive on shelves and stay there for longer than a day but the S has been readily available in stores for months now. I wanted to wait for an X but decided I was fine getting an S to tide me over until the X was both in good supply and potentially on sale.

Did Spencer just provide a breakdown of Series X vs Series S sales? I think that might be the first time I’ve seen it, but it looks like the S is selling over half of all Xbox next-gen sales, maybe more if he is including PC and Cloud as “new players”. No idea, but I’m glad the little-console-that-could is doing well!

I don’t particularly care about the title character specifically - or even Rogue One, for that matter - but most of what I hear about this seems...pretty promising?

If nothing else, the show is actually blatantly positioning itself as a political thriller which, based on interviews, seems to be aiming for similar

yeah as a follow-up to who gives a shit

A prequel to a prequel! This is different than Obi-Wan, which was a sequel to a prequel.

I’m on the fence: I really didn’t like Rogue One, I thought the story was unnecessary and the editing was really bad. So, initially, I really didn’t care about this series.

My burning question regarding this series is: Who gives a shit?

Are you Jimmy Kimmel? Then sure! It would put a little more spotlight on my win.

I thankfully don’t have your number. You seem like the last fun person alive.

Still, the criticism is valid.”

just torrent it, it’s literally easier than waiting for EA to get their shit together

Oh, for sure. I’ve seen her in several things and she always relaxed on screen and believable. But me and my SO bailed after the ridiculous premise set out in the first episode. Just couldn’t hack it.

Black Flag.