
Oh don’t think I didn’t notice her “Hillary would have been a bad president” aside. Because apparently when the rest of us were desperately campaigning to avoid the nightmare that is our political reality, homegirl was working on her book deal and complaining about Hillary not fitting her “values” enough. And then

We eloped so I spent almost nothing. I spent the last year reminding everyone that HRC fought for single payer health care 15 goddamn years ago and it was not a wonderful new idea from Bernie Sanders. Does that count?

If it causes more harm to group striking than the group the strike is against it’s not a worthwhile exercise.

We need to stop playing into the GOP narrative that we want free birth control. Under the ACA, we get birth control covered at 100% by our insurance, but we pay for the insurance. It’s not a handout. It’s simply requiring insurance to provide a benefit that the overwhelming majority of women need.

FUCKING NPR. I will never forgive them. They let everyone debate over whether or not Trump really was threatening to have Hillary killed by a 2nd amendment supporter rather than ever once mention that she didn’t ever call for a weapons recall. I’m sick of everyone calling NPR liberal. It’s neutral to the point of

I’ll take the fact that she received 3 million more votes than the “winner” that she had a pretty good chance of winning. 

Been First Lady, served as Secretary of State, won a Democratic Presidential primary. Provided HIV drugs to 9 million people...

I can’t recall anything “inspiring” coming from Hillary

He lost even though Hillary ran the gentlest campaign possible against him.

I supported Bernie in the primary but I thought it was downright shameful how he continued his primary campaign well past viability just to appease his rabid supporters. All respect I had for Bernie evaporated when he pulled that shit, so yes, people who are still BernieBros deserve a nice big helping of blame.

If you think Bernie would have won the general election you are out of your goddamn mind.

I’d include the people who voted for Clinton but spent months smearing her beforehand and making a big deal about her being “the lesser of two evils” while acting like their vote for her was a huge moral sacrifice for the good of the country (h/t deadspin guys.) I think they did a lot to depress voter turn-out.

BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

I agree - I loved that the march in Raleigh that I attended had an unapologetic progressive platform. The speakers were a diverse array of fantastic and involved women activists. We all get mired in our own issues, but it was a great chance to get exposed to volunteer groups and organizations doing good work who

“I also know several people who felt excluded ... and I think it’s because it was about so many things at once.”

Agreed, it seems wrong to be so cynical and mistrusting of people who are new to activism. They are in many ways “the middle” that activists spend so much time trying to convince and get involved. Well, they did, now let’s work to make them follow up.

Can’t this be a first step? Let’s encourage people to join and listen.

Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.

He wouldn’t care if we wore 3-piece Armani suits. This march is not for him. It is against his platform.

We will never convince Trump that women are to be respected. The man has had some 70 years to disrespect women, he won’t be changing his mind. It wouldn’t matter what we wore. This march is not for him.